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Confirm: Parent And Community Relationships Parent Community Involvement

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Parent And Community Relationships Parent Community Involvement Parent And Community Relationships Parent Community Involvement

Parent And Community Relationships Parent Community Involvement Video

Building Partnerships with Families

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Nate Hamilton right exhorts the crowd to love one another and help build a peaceful community in as brother Dameion Perkins looks on. File photo by Andrea Waxman. Almost seven years ago, Nate Hamilton was working as a roofer, trying to create a good life for his two kids.

Parent And Community Relationships Parent Community Involvement

Then the death of his brother changed the direction of his life, launching him toward a leadership role to improve relations between police and the community. His brother, Dontre Hamilton, was killed by a Milwaukee police officer on April 30,and the incident led to huge protests in Milwaukee and national media attention.

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Hamilton became a spokesman for his family, the founder of the Coalition for Justice, and a leader of the Paeent — though always with an emphasis on nonviolence. These days, Hamilton leads a city commission that aims to improve relations between the community and the Milwaukee Police Department. Now a father of five, Hamilton is juggling parenting, being a business owner and police reform activism.

Parent And Community Relationships Parent Community Involvement

His company does cosmetic work on houses from bathroom and kitchen remodeling to roofing and siding. Over the summer, Hamilton was elected oCmmunity of the new Community Collaborative Commissionor CCC, a reconstituted version of the Collaborative Community Committee, of which he was a member since its start. The new CCC is made up of Black and brown grassroots leaders who work within Milwaukee neighborhoods.

Enriching Students, Engaging Our Community

When it was still a committee, the CCC in gathered community input on the U. The group presented its final report in Doubtful yet hopeful that its recommendations will be implemented, Hamilton said the CCC is moving forward nevertheless. The CCC is urging the Milwaukee Police Department changes its standard operating procedures for community policing and understands its responsibility, Hamilton said. He said that because of the role he has taken as a community leader, people take him almost too seriously. Details of the virtual meeting are on the City of Milwaukee website.

Parent And Community Relationships Parent Community Involvement

Community policing and the search for a new police chief are among the topics scheduled for discussion. I took a quick look throught the final report link, and I was surprised there was no mention of differentiating between non-violent and violent calls or the possibility of a cadre of unarmed officers trained for non-violent situations. It seems like this might be a goal and would need to be worked into procedures for hiring, training, promotion and other aspects of the department. Your email address will not be published.]

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