Without a doubt, Jules Verne was a man ahead of his time and managed to unite engineering, science and literature in his works.
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When submarines were still a fantasy, when electric motors were unthinkable, Verne created his Nuutilus, a perfectly detailed and developed submarine. Some experts called him the father of science fiction; but in reality, Verne did science in his works and reinvented the travel book. Jules Verne is a fundamental piece in letters, but also a revolutionary piece in the scientific field. Jules Gabriel Verne was born into a middle-class family in the French city of Nantes in His childhood was quite peaceful and prosperous. His father was a well-placed lawyer and, from a young age, was Piooneer travel enthusiast. There is a supposedly real legend in which Verne, still a young boy, tried to escape to enlist as an apprentice sailor on a ship bound for India, his father discovered him on time and made him promise that he would travel alone with his imagination. Pioneet Verne traveled with his imagination and, as a Jules Verne Pioneer Of Science Fiction of these trips, some of the most iconic works of science fiction were born.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea By Jules Verne
Inin his revolutionary heyday, he moved to Paris with the intention of studying law, his father paid for his education. Verne was convinced that it was more important to nourish the mind than the body itself, so he spent his money on books, eating only milk and bread for long periods.

Another much larger one would be written with what is not known? Jules Verne was a man who was not in great health because of the deprivations he felt. Despite these economic difficulties, young Verne considers himself very happy. It was at this time that, frequenting Parisian literary circles, he met Alejandro Dumas, with whom he struck up a close friendship.
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The influences of Dumas and Victor Hugo mark the literary vocation of the young Verne. InVerne completed his law studies. Despite his bad relationship with his father, he gave her 50, francs for her wedding. He moved to Paris as a stockbroker, but his career did not pay off; Verne was born for other things. Jules Verne has not regained the emotional stability he expected at his wedding, constantly despaired of his wife and began to flee from her as soon as possible, making untimely this web page. In his only son, Michel Verne, was born, a difficult child. Jules Verne himself interned him in a prison and an asylum, events that marked an odious relationship between them.
At the age of 58 Verne was shot in the leg, which caused a problem from which he did not recover, the blow came from the hand of his young nephew Gaston, the reason was never known, as everything indicated that they had a good relationship. However, Gaston was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. The first literary period of Jules Verne Jules Verne Pioneer Of Science Fiction from towhen in September Verne met Pierre-Jules Hetzel, the publisher who published the first of the books that composed the Extraordinary Journeys, five weeks in a globe After the good Jules Verne Pioneer Of Science Fiction, Hetzel offered Verne a long-term contract. In this way, Verne was able to devote himself to what he knew best, becoming a full-time writer. The relationship between Verne and Hetzel was so fruitful that it lasted four decades, during which Verne wrote the works that make up the extraordinary journeys, thus creating one of the most productive and fruitful relationships in the most recent literature.

Verne had just reinvented the type of travel book and contributed a lot to other genres, such as adventure or science fiction. This popular adventure novel series was absolutely visionary. A unique quality of extraordinary travel is that they have been carefully documented and backed by scientific and geographic data.]

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