Images And Images Of Photographs -

Images And Images Of Photographs Images And Images Of Photographs

Outstanding selection of store lambs sold during the 8th annual Yass circuit sheep sale.

About Seemi Moon

Interstate buyers competed with new restockers from NSW while the regular buyers also turned up at the 8 th Yass and district annual crossbred lamb circuit sale on Friday. Conducted by Butt Livestock and Property, Yass 11, lambs in excellent condition were on offer for selection by discerning buyers.

It was not surprising the lambs were in very sappy condition, the season in the Yass district is phenomenal with pasture still green and as high as the fence on many properties.

Images And Images Of Photographs

A further pen of mixed-sex White Suffolk cross lambs weighing T and J. I and H.

Images And Images Of Photographs

G and L. G and K. Their pen of 87 Dunneld-blood Border Leicester cross wether lambs weighing Have you signed up to The Land's free daily newsletter?

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