Visual Analysis Jan Van Huysum - with
Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. Intense interests are a core symptom of autism spectrum disorders ASD and can be all-encompassing for affected individuals. This observation raises the hypothesis that intense interests in ASD are related to pervasive changes in visual processing for objects within that category, including visual search. We assayed visual processing with two novel tasks, targeting category search and exemplar search. Thus, pervasive alterations in perception are not likely to account for ASD behavioral symptoms. Intense interests are a common symptom of autism spectrum disorder ASD South et al. The current study focuses on the possible relationship between intense interests and visual processing. However, interests can also be detrimental to daily functioning by interfering in day-to-day activities and social interactions Klin et al. One possible link between interests and visual processing is that ASD symptoms associated with intense interests may produce abnormal visual perception for images related to interests, similarly to how experts demonstrate enhanced visual pocessing for their category of expertise Gauthier et al. Visual Analysis Jan Van Huysum
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