How Does Technology Influence the Google Generation -

How Does Technology Influence the Google Generation Video

This Is Why You Don't Succeed - Simon Sinek on The Millennial Generation How Does Technology Influence the Google Generation

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How Does Technology Influence the Google Generation

Learn, network, and be inspired as we work together to achieve intersectional gender and pay parity in tech. We support women at all levels of their careers, as well as organizations that view technology innovation as a strategic imperative. We have many vGHC sessions aimed at students and faculty from all types of training institutions, and also provide scholarships for them to attend.

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We offer complimentary registration for these women to attend vGHC. Looking for tips on how to start your career or get that promotion? Our Mentoring Circles session allows women to seek advice in small groups.

How Does Technology Influence the Google Generation

Participate in our annual Top Companies for Women Technologists program and show your commitment to promoting diversity. Help us in our mission to grow the number of women in tech by supporting our biggest event for women technologists. Volunteers are an important part of our team at vGHC and volunteering is a great way to make a difference supporting women in tech.


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