Biography Of Elizabeth Ann s Life -

Biography Of Elizabeth Ann s Life Biography Of Elizabeth Ann s Life

Who Is Queen Elizabeth II?

Whitneyanother early Latter Day Saint leader. She went by her middle name, Ann. Her father also tried to move west, but was prevented from doing so by his wife. When she was 20 she met her future husband, Newel K.

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The couple was married on October 20, [2] after a three-year courtship. In Kirtland, Ann and her husband the Disciples of Christcalled the Campbellites at the time, led in the area by Elizabethh Rigdon. This group denied it had power to give the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Biography Of Elizabeth Ann s Life

InWhitney heard of his conversion and of the missionaries who were in the area. Pratt then taught Ann and Newel about the faith, [7] and the two chose to be baptized in November Joseph and Emma Smith arrived at Newel K.

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Whitney's store in Kirtland in December Joseph said, "I am Joseph the Prophet; you have prayed me here; now what do you want of me? Whitney and her husband hosted a three-day feast for the poor in January They lost some of their wealth when the Kirtland Safety Society Banking Company collapsed and people began persecuting members of the church.

Biography Of Elizabeth Ann s Life

Whitney and her family traveled with the members of the church. They left Kirtland to move to Far West, Missouri in the fall of due to persecution. Louisthey were informed that Latter-day Saints were being kicked out of Missouri.

Biography Of Elizabeth Ann s Life

They settled in Carrollton, Illinois during the winter of — They then moved to Quincy, Illinois during the next winter.]

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