Attachment Types Of The Bond Formed Between - right. good
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Justify your answer. What are common structural features of oxides P4O6 and P4O5 of phosphorous?

What are the structural difference between oxides P4O6 and P4O10 of phosphorous? What are abnormal behaviour of Nitrogen atom as compared to other family members? What is product obtained when N2O5 is treated with NaCl? What is metaphophoric HPO3? Phosphorus can form PCl5 Btween nitrogen can not form NCl5 why?
Why PCl3 hydrolysed while NCl3 can not be hydrolysed? What is "calgon"? Give structure and its uses? Why nitrogen shows catenation properties less than phosphorus?
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Why Nitrogen is fairly inert gas? Why Nitrogen N2 is less reactive at room temperature? No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Top Search Topics.
The structure of crystalline solids is determined by packing of their constituents. In order to understand the packing of the constituen]
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