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Rolling Stone retracted the story in its entirety on April 5, At the party, Jackie alleged in the article, her date led her to a bedroom where she was gang raped by several fraternity members as Headpohnes of a fraternity initiation ritual. Jackie's account generated much media attention, and UVA suspended the fraternity.

After other journalists investigated the article's claims and found significant discrepancies, Rolling Stone issued multiple apologies for the story. It has since been reported that Jackie may have invented portions Analysis Of Argument Against Headphones By Virginia the story in an unsuccessful attempt to win the affections of a fellow student in whom she had a romantic interest. On January 12,Charlottesville Police officials told UVA that an investigation had failed to find any evidence confirming the events in the Rolling Stone article. Charlottesville Police officially suspended their four-month investigation on March 23,Againsy on lack of credible evidence. At the request of Rolling Stone publisher Jann S.

Freshman Republicans look to form conservative 'Squad'

Wennerthe Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism agreed to audit the editorial processes that culminated in the article being published. On April 5,Rolling Stone retracted the article and published the independent report on the publication's history.

Analysis Of Argument Against Headphones By Virginia

Rolling Stone lost at trial the suit filed by the university, and settled the lawsuits with the fraternity and its members. In light of the findings, Erik Wemple of The Washington Post pronounced the story "a complete crock".

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In the Columbia Journalism ReviewBill Grueskin called the story "a mess—thinly sourced, full of erroneous assumptions, and plagued by gaping holes in the reporting". The Columbia Journalism Review called the story "this year's media-fail sweepstakes" and the Poynter Institute named it as the "Error of the Year" in journalism. After the date, they allegedly went to a party at his fraternity house, where he brought her to a dark bedroom upstairs and "a heavy person jumps on top of her. A hand covers her mouth. Someone gets between her legs. Someone else kneels on her hair. And for the next Artument hours she's brutally raped and beaten, with Drew and another upperclassman supposedly shouting out instructions to the pledges, referring to Jackie as 'it'.

Analysis Of Argument Against Headphones By Virginia

Jackie's academic performance reportedly declined, and she became socially withdrawn due to Analysis Of Argument Against Headphones By Virginia distress. In MayJackie reported a sexual assault to dean and head of UVA's Sexual Misconduct Board, Nicole Eramo, who, according to a recap in New York magazineoffered three options: "file a criminal complaint with the police, file a complaint with the school, or face her attackers with Eramo present to tell them how she feels".

Within hours of the article's publication, UVA president Teresa Sullivan had called the governor's chief of staff and the Charlottesville police chief to start preparing a response. She said her initial reaction was surprise and "a certain air of disbelief" because during her minute interview for the story, Erdely never brought up Jackie or asked about any of the allegations made in the article. Sullivan said: "I was plainly not prepared for what the story looked like.

Nor do I think her characterization of my interview was fair. UVA's student newspaper Source Cavalier Daily described mixed reactions from the student body, stating: "For some, the piece is an unfounded attack on our school; for others, it is a recognition of a harsh reality; and for what I suspect is a large majority of us, it falls somewhere in between.

Analysis Of Argument Against Headphones By Virginia

Bernstein also said that regardless of its veracity, the Rolling Stone article underscored preexisting and recurrent complaints about the school's inadequate handling of sexual assault and their "deference to Greek life". She argued that "the school has been unbelievably slow to investigate Phi Kappa Psi despite many allegations of sexual assault".]

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