The Threat Of The Atomic Bombs -

The Threat Of The Atomic Bombs - advise you

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. It only takes a minute to sign up. Atomic and nuclear weapons are certainly the most destructive weapons Earth has in modern times, able to rupture cities. In the present, while we have the NPT Treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons that desires nuclear disarmament, some countries still have nuclear weapons for the defensive in the form of ICBM s Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles , some refuse to join this treaty, and some countries might still be making more. However, for my story, I want to imagine a scenario on an alternate Earth, a scenario so terrible and something that happened due to the atomic and nuclear weapons, that prompted all countries across the globe, to finally agree that they must never be used again, and all pre-existing atomic and nuclear weapons have to be disarmed and disabled immediately. In other words, global disarmament. Just what scenario could this be? Every time you use a nuke, you open a portal to another dimension and creatures from it are able to invade Earth.

The Threat Of The Atomic Bombs Video

Animation shows the deadly evolution of nuclear weapons The Threat Of The Atomic Bombs. The Threat Of The Atomic Bombs

Please note that this is just a preview of a school assignment posted on our website by one of our clients.

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If you need assistance with this question too, please click on the Order button at the bottom of the page to get started. Former United States president Barrack Obama in April warned that the terrorist threat using nuclear weaponry is real and that it is an immediate and extreme threat to global security.

The Threat Of The Atomic Bombs

The Nuclear terrorist threat has different approaches or methods, such as bombs or an attack towards nuclear power plants or other nuclear installations, with the sole purpose of provoking a chain reaction that can result in a radioactive catastrophe. Also, radioactive waste stored in different portions of the mentioned powerplants can be targets of a terrorist groups unleashing up to five times radioactive waste as a reactor core. Moreover, Governmental Atomi reveal that highly organized terrorist groups could acquire Plutonium to create a crude nuclear bomb, a device built from stolen components or rich atomic The Nuclear threat is real, and even when strongly organized countries with nuclear weapon capabilities have prevention systems and countermeasures to prevent weapon proliferation, the danger is alarming.

Furthermore, there is claims and report by the Russian The Threat Of The Atomic Bombs Alexander Lebed that 40 nuclear weapons are missing from the Russian Arsenal.

The Threat Of The Atomic Bombs

However, a radioactive terrorist attack should not be only considered by the use of nuclear weaponry. An attempt at a nuclear installation is also a terrorist nuclear threat due to this can provoke the same or more damages than a bomb. The threat of nuclear weapons acquired in the hands of terrorists is improbable, but still, the risk exist. According to the Department of Homeland Security, at a certain point, nuclear, radiological, biological, and chemical warfare represents a threat in terms of potentially harmful and fatal impacts on society and the economy West, While at this time, there The Threat Of The Atomic Bombs no actual record of any terrorist organization ever acquiring nuclear weapons or materials, society still holds a fear of any terrorist organization having a position of said weapons.


According to the lesson, during the 20th century, nuclear weapons were a hot commodity on the black market American Military University, However, they were nearly impossible to get a hold of, so radiological dispersal devices or dirty bombs were replacing them. The reasoning behind this would be the cost of purchasing, acquiring, and holding a nuclear device was too high for a well-funding terrorist organization to get access. According to the lesson, for two decades, the United States and North Korea have gone head to head over nuclear ambitions American More info University, Both countries have developed weapons and countermeasures for each other in a cold war standoff.]

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