Challenges Of Biodiversity Conservation And Associated Ecosystem -

Challenges Of Biodiversity Conservation And Associated Ecosystem

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Challenges Of Biodiversity Conservation And Associated Ecosystem

David Pimentel e-mail: dp18 cornell.

Creating sustainable horizons

The increasing demands placed on the global water supply threaten biodiversity and the supply of water for food production and other vital human needs. Water shortages already exist in many regions, with more than one billion people without adequate drinking water. New water supplies are likely to result from conservation, recycling, and Ecosysten water-use efficiency rather than from large development projects.

Challenges Of Biodiversity Conservation And Associated Ecosystem

Water is essential for maintaining an adequate food supply and a productive environment for the human population and for other animals, plants, and microbes worldwide. As human populations and economies grow, global freshwater demand has been increasing rapidly Hinrichsen et al. In addition to threatening the human food supply, water shortages severely reduce biodiversity in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, while water pollution facilitates the spread of serious human diseases and diminishes water quality Postel et al.

Challenges Of Biodiversity Conservation And Associated Ecosystem

Humans obtain the great majority of their nutrients from crops and livestock, and these nutrient sources require water, land, and energy for production Pimentel et al. Shortages in food supplies have in part contributed to the global problem of more than 3 billion malnourished people in the world WHO a. Two of the most serious malnutrition problems are iron deficiency, affecting 2 billion people, and protein or calorie deficiency, affecting nearly million people WHOb.

Hydrologic cycle

Iron deficiency and protein or calorie deficiency each result in about 8 million deaths each year WHO The world population currently numbers 6. The United Nations UN estimates that the global population will increase to approximately 9. Population growth, accompanied by increased water use, will not only severely reduce water availability per person but also create stress Challenges Of Biodiversity Conservation And Associated Ecosystem biodiversity in the entire global ecosystem Pimentel et al. Other major factors that limit water availability include rainfall, temperature, evaporation rates, soil quality, vegetation type, and water runoff.

Furthermore, serious difficulties already exist in fairly allocating the world's freshwater resources between and within countries. These conflicts are escalating among new industrial, agricultural, and urban sectors. In this article, we analyze water use by individuals and especially by agricultural systems, reporting the interrelationships that exist among population growth, water use and distribution, the status of biodiversity, the natural environment, and the impacts of waterborne human diseases.

Of Challengew estimated 1. The remainder of the fresh water is stored in glaciers, permanent snow, and groundwater aquifers. Thus, each year solar energy transfers a significant portion of water from oceans to land areas. This aspect of the hydrologic cycle is vital not only to agriculture but also to human life and natural ecosystems Pimentel et al. Although water is considered a renewable resource because it is replenished by rainfall, its availability is finite in terms of the amount available per unit of time in any one region. The average precipitation for most continents is about millimeters mm per year 7 million liters [L] per hectare [ha] per yearbut this amount varies among and within continents Shiklomanov and Rodda In general, water in a nation Assoicated considered scarce when its availability drops below 1 million L per capita per year table 1 ; Engleman and LeRoy Thus, Africa is relatively arid, despite average rainfall Ecosystsm mm Challenges Of Biodiversity Conservation And Associated Ecosystem year, because its high temperatures and winds foster rapid evaporation Pimentel et al.

Regions that receive low rainfall less than mm per year experience serious water shortages and inadequate crop yields. When managing water resources, the total agricultural, societal, and environmental system must be considered. In the United States, substantial withdrawals from the lakes, rivers, groundwater, and reservoirs that are used to meet the needs of individuals, cities, farms, and industries already stress the availability of water in some parts of the country Alley et al. Legislation is sometimes required to ensure a fair allocation of water.]

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