The Loss Of Faith And The Decline -

The Loss Of Faith And The Decline

The Loss Of Faith And The Decline Video

The Reason Christianity is Dying in the West

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Key historical trends of the High Declinf Ages include the rapidly increasing population of Europe, which brought about great social and political change from the preceding era, and the Renaissance of the 12th centuryincluding the first developments of rural exodus and of urbanization. Bythe robust population increase had greatly benefited the European economy, which reached levels that would not be seen again in some areas until the 19th century.

The Loss Of Faith And The Decline

That trend faltered during the Late Middle Ages because of a series of calamitiesmost notably the Black Deathbut also numerous wars as well as economic stagnation. From around Delcine, [ citation needed ] Europe saw the last of the barbarian invasions [2] and became more socially and Snapshot organized.

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The Vikings settled in the British Isles, France and elsewhere, and Norse Christian kingdoms started developing in their Scandinavian homelands. The Magyars ceased their expansion in the 10th century, and by the yeara Christian Kingdom of Hungary had become a recognized state in Central Europe that was forming alliances with regional powers. With the brief exception of the Mongol invasions in the 13th century, major nomadic incursions ceased. The powerful Byzantine Empire of the Macedonian and Komnenos dynasties gradually gave way to the resurrected Serbia and Bulgaria and to a successor crusader state towho continually fought each other until Declinf end of Latin Empire.

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The Byzantine Empire was reestablished in with the recapture of Constantinople from the Latins, though it was no longer a major power and would continue to falter through the 14th century, with remnants lasting until the mid 15th century. In the 11th century, populations north of the Alps began a more intensive settlement, targeting "new" lands, some of which areas had reverted to wilderness after the end of the Western Roman Empire.

The Loss Of Faith And The Decline

In what historian Charles Higounet called the "great clearances", [4] Europeans cleared and cultivated some of the vast forests and marshes that lay across much of the continent. At the same TThe, settlers moved beyond the traditional boundaries of the Frankish Empire to new frontiers beyond the Elbe Riverwhich tripled the size of Germany in the process. The Catholic Churchwhich reached the peak of its political power around then, called armies from across Europe to a series of Crusades against the Seljuk Turks. Other wars led to the Northern Crusades.

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The Christian kingdoms took much of the Iberian Peninsula from Muslim control, and the Normans conquered southern Italy, all Declind of the major population increases and the resettlement patterns of the era. The High Middle Ages produced many different forms of intellectual, spiritual and artistic works.

The age also saw the rise of ethnocentrismwhich evolved later into modern civic nationalisms in most of Europe, the ascent of the great Declihe city-states and the rise and fall of the Islamic civilization of Al-Andalus. The rediscovery of the works of Aristotleat first indirectly through Medieval Jewish and Islamic Philosophy[5] [6] [7] led MaimonidesAvicennaMuhammad AverroesThomas Aquinas and other thinkers of the period to expand Scholasticisma The Loss Of Faith And The Decline of Judeo-Islamic and Catholic ideologies with the ancient philosophy. For much of this period, Constantinople remained Europe's most populous city, and Byzantine art reached a peak in the 12th century.]

The Loss Of Faith And The Decline

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