Punishment For Corporal Punishment - good, agree
Introduction: Mandated reporting is a very important duty imposed by the state upon therapists and other mandated reporters. Mandated reporting, while a powerful tool for social justice and the protection of children, is a double-edged sword. Just as underreporting can cause harm, so can over reporting. An area that lends itself to over-reporting is corporal punishment. The use of corporal punishment that is not "cruel or inhuman," does not result in a "traumatic condition," is lawful, and not reportable as child abuse. Unlawful corporal punishment is child abuse and requires a mandated report. Unlawful corporal punishment is defined as "cruel or inhuman corporal punishment or injury resulting in a traumatic condition. The Law Unlawful corporal punishment or injury As used in this article, "unlawful corporal punishment or injury" means a situation where any person willfully inflicts upon any child any cruel or inhuman corporal punishment or injury resulting in a traumatic condition. It does not include an amount of force that is reasonable and necessary for a person employed by or engaged in a public school to quell a disturbance threatening physical injury to person or damage to property, for purposes of self? It also does not include the exercise of the degree of physical control authorized by Section of the Education Code.Punishment For Corporal Punishment - this
School corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of physical pain or discomfort and psychological humiliation as a response to undesired behavior by a student or group of students. The term corporal punishment derives from the Latin word for "the body", corpus. In schools it often involves striking the student directly across the buttocks or palms of their hands [1] [2] with a tool such as a rattan cane , wooden paddle , slipper , leather strap or wooden yardstick. Less commonly, it could also include spanking or smacking the student with the open hand, especially at the kindergarten , primary school , or other more junior levels. Much of the traditional culture that surrounds corporal punishment in school, at any rate in the English-speaking world , derives largely from British practice in the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly as regards the caning of teenage boys. In the English-speaking world, the use of corporal punishment in schools has historically been justified by the common-law doctrine in loco parentis , whereby teachers are considered authority figures granted the same rights as parents to discipline and punish children in their care if they do not adhere to the set rules. A similar justification exists in Chinese-speaking countries. Advocates of school corporal punishment argue that it provides an immediate response to indiscipline so that the student is quickly back in the classroom learning, unlike suspension from school. Opponents, including a number of medical and psychological societies, along with human-rights groups, argue that physical punishment is ineffective in the long term, interferes with learning, leads to antisocial behavior as well as causing low self-esteem and other forms of mental distress, disproportionately affects students of color, and is a form of violence that breaches the rights of children. Punishment For Corporal PunishmentYou might expect from someone who is stressed because of the banned punishment corporal essay should schools atlantic monthly september breadth of her videos for steps.
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