The Importance Of The Anthropocene And How -

The Importance Of The Anthropocene And How The Importance Of The Anthropocene And How

Nautilus: Science Connected

In August in Stockholm, Sweden, something utterly unremarkable happened. A student, Greta Thunberg, then 15 years old, skipped school for one day a week and sat outside the parliament building holding up a sign. I believe most students that skip school would be ignored, but Thunberg started an international movement, Fridays for Future.

Many feel inspired by her and adore her, but many have quite the opposite response. Somehow this youth movement, which is itself so young, has The Importance Of The Anthropocene And How tremendous momentum, and is taken very seriously by both supporters and opponents. And this although the organization is a bit amorphous and many of the supporters are not of voting age — at least not yet. Books will be written about this phenomenon, no doubt.

Actually, there are already a few, including some by Thunberg herself. It go here difficult to know how sustainable this movement is, but right now it provides an interesting success story. One charismatic individual started a movement that maintains a commanding presence on the political stage and influences key decision makers.

The Importance Of The Anthropocene And How

Students creatively protesting. Their message is loud and clear: there is no time to waste on tackling climate change. And they essentially claim that the current generation of grown-ups has not been keeping their promises. The current politicians produced a lot of talk and very little action. To their frustration often Impoetance real decisions have to be made, protecting the planet always seems to take a back seat.

The Importance Of The Anthropocene And How

To the members of the Fridays for Future movement this is a let-down, amounting to a betrayal of their generation. And consequently, they took to the streets.

Methodology and Approach

In many cities worldwide the protesters met every Friday for a short march with speeches before the actual event. I observed a protest like that in Hamburg a while ago and it had the most benign and peaceful atmosphere. The goals of the students may be radical, their protests are not. Imporfance clearly a grassroots movement, there are some prominent figures that emerge and attain media fame.]

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