Transportation Options For New Paths Connecting The -

Transportation Options For New Paths Connecting The

Entertaining question: Transportation Options For New Paths Connecting The

Transportation Options For New Paths Connecting The 493
Transportation Options For New Paths Connecting The Transportation Options For New Paths Connecting The

The University of New Orleans Transportation Institute has created a statewide plan to guide the Louisiana Recreational Trail Program LRTP on ways to encourage trail use while supporting the care of wildlife, habitats and other natural resources. The trails program is a national initiative that help states provide and maintain recreational trails and trails-related facilities.

The plan provides a variety of goals intended to guide the actions of the LRTP, its Transportation Options For New Paths Connecting The committee and all agencies and organizations Optkons in the planning, development, construction, operation, maintenance and programming of current and future Louisiana trails, said UNO Transportation Institute researcher Tara Tolford. The goals relate to funding, environmental stewardship, operations, trail network development and other areas, she said.

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The plan also encourages the linking of trails throughout the state with the aim of creating large networks of recreation and NNew facilities, Tolford said. The LRTP has helped build trail projects in every parish and hundreds of municipalities, communities and neighborhoods throughout Louisiana. In formulating the plan, researchers utilized data collected through two statewide surveys given to trail users as well as agency and organization stakeholders.

Transportation Options For New Paths Connecting The

The surveys were conducted in the summer of and garnered nearly 1, responses from birdwatchers, ATV riders, mountain bikers, paddlers and other trail users, as well as stakeholders directly responsible for trails-planning, Tolford said. The trail plan was created in partnership with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, U.

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