The Effects Of Music Therapy On Reducing -

The Effects Of Music Therapy On Reducing

The Effects Of Music Therapy On Reducing Video

How music therapy changed my life The Effects Of Music Therapy On Reducing

While music cannot substitute medication or treatment, it has a therapeutic effect and can help patients relax.

The Effects Of Music Therapy On Reducing

Pune-based Nalini Dhananjay Govardhan dreads winters. Her Efffcts pain increases during that time, making it difficult for her to even move. Early this year, her sister-in-law, Sangita Avinash Sangikar, suggested that she listen to Marudh raga. After doing so for almost a month, Govardhan felt her pain had eased.

The Effects Of Music Therapy On Reducing

The music may not have Reducinf her arthritis, but it definitely brought down the pain because of the effect it had on her mind," says Sangikar. Nature has given us tremendous inherent power to recover from an injury or disease, says Shashank Katti, who is a national AIR All India Radio artiste, sitar player as well as an electrical engineer. The Marudh raga CD is his brainchild.

His Mumbai-based Sur Sanjeevan Music Therapy Trust teaches music therapy as well as helps people suffering from diabetes, anxiety, stress, depression and other lifestyle diseases. Each CD is designed for a particular condition," he says.

The Effects Of Music Therapy On Reducing

Paranshaya, for instance, helps asthma patients, while Madhuparna raga helps diabetics, says Katti. Besides music therapy, one has to take care of their diet and physical activity levels and take medication on time, since most of these problems are related to poor lifestyle, says Sangikar, who learnt music therapy from Katti a year ago. Music therapy is a little different from listening to music in your drawing room, sitting in an armchair. Music works simply because it is a pleasurable meditative experience; it is a positive distraction".

Of course, we first ask them whether they would be interested. Besides music, the sessions also offer writing, storytelling, painting and drawing. Does this imply that classical music is more effective when it comes to music therapy?

Music therapy research paper pdf

Not really, clarifies Dr Parikh. Unfortunately, there is no such research on Indian classical music, but people respond more to it because of the cultural connection," says Kaul. Dr Malhotra, however, prefers only classical and instrumental music. The therapeutic value of music is well known: Chants were used in the healing process in ancient Egypt, while Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato believed that music could help people overcome emotional difficulties. Modern research has shown that music can improve the condition The Effects Of Music Therapy On Reducing patients receiving palliative care, relieve anxiety and stress, reduce pain in cancer patients and restore lost speech. American politician Gabrielle Giffords, who lost her ability to speak in a assassination attempt, credited music therapy to her regained speech.

Music even helps create a sense of this web page belonging. In biological terms, he explains, music affects the limbic system of nerves and networks in the brainregulating the release of neurochemicals which affect the mind as well as the body.

Music is also known to help strengthen the immune system. And music and its effect on the brain are tightly intertwined," says Dr Malhotra.

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