The Effect Of Calorie Intake On Your -

The Effect Of Calorie Intake On Your Video

Wellbeing Wednesday - Physical Wellbeing - 20th Jan The Effect Of Calorie Intake On Your The Effect Of Calorie Intake On Your

New Delhi: Food and life are indispensable from each other. As important as food is for the body, we often end up gaining weight due to eating too much. However, it is not just about the quantity of what we eat, but also about the quality.

The Effect Of Calorie Intake On Your

If we binge on processed, unhealthy foods, it is inevitable to gain weight, even when you practice portion control. At the same time, a Caolrie on its own can do little for the body if you do not provide the process with regular and consistent physical activity in the form of some or the other exercise.

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Since exercise and diet both play such a vital role in weight loss, it is important to know the right amount of exercise, and the right nutrients you must consume to achieve your goal weight. Greata Sherene Robinson, nutritionist, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Chennai, shares with us the importance of diet and exercise for a healthy body, how much Intame each you need, and a healthy recipe to help you in the practicality of the weight loss idea.

If your left-hand lifts a dumbbell, make sure your right-hand gets a bowl of protein snack.

The Effect Of Calorie Intake On Your

Food fuels our body. Whether you walk, jump or swim around, you need to eat a nutritious balanced diet to fuel your body. The macros play a major role in this balance.

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Coming to the carbs, it forms the base of any diet. The body utilizes them as glucose which is used by the muscles for energy.

The Effect Of Calorie Intake On Your

Choose carbs wisely by sticking to more of complex carbohydrates. All your ripped muscles need to undergo repair for which protein is a must.]

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