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Among the most surprising of the multiple surprising results in this election was California's rejection of Proposition The ballot measure was supported by the Democratic supermajorities in the state legislature; by long-established corporations and Silicon Valley tech firms; by leaders of mainline churches and nonprofit organizations.

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Because Californians, like most other Americans, don't like racial discrimination. Proposition 16 was put on the ballot to repeal Propositionwhich passed in and banned state government from discriminating "on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. Disagreeing emphatically are the people who run the state's giant state colleges and universities. Like their counterparts across the nation, they want to admit more black and Latino students than would qualify on non-race-based criteria such as test scores. Racial quotas and preferences these days discriminate less against whites than against Asians, who are denied places despite high test scores and rigorous preparation, much as Jews were denied by the Ivy Leagues from the s to the s.

Anti-Asian bias is made plain in lawsuits pending in federal courts against Yale and Harvard, whose admissions personnel are accused of suspiciously rating Asians low on "positive personality.

Racial Discrimination in America During the 1920s

The case for racial quotas and preferences got renewed attention after the death of George Floyd in May. Kendi, argues that "any racial balance not exactly representative of the population as a whole" must be the result of "systemic racism," to be rectified by quotas and preferences. But as Andrew Sullivan writes in an elegant and withering refutation of Kendi, "Any attempt to make a specific institution entirely representative of the demographics of its location will founder on the sheer complexity of America's demographic story and the nature of the institution itself.

Racial Discrimination in America During the 1920s

Which leads back to California and its voters' stark rejection of its Democratic politicians' and corporate elites' determination to replicate Discimination statewide ethnic proportions in the student body of each state college and university. Yet during that time, California has become strikingly more ethnically diverse and culturally liberal. And more Democratic.

Steven Lee

Bill Clinton carried California by 13 points, Joe Biden by There's a vivid contrast here with the way California led the nation toward one major change of opinion: on same-sex marriage. But in that same year period, opposition to racial quotas and preferences -- which are, by definition, racial discrimination -- has actually risen in Los Angeles County and Southern California, in the Central Valley and the Sierras, even in the San Francisco Bay area. Americans embrace the Civil Rights Act of now more than ever. The courts have lagged behind. The Supreme Court allowed discrimination in the interest of "diversity" in and reaffirmed that in Grutter v.

Bollinger in Racial Discrimination in America During the 1920s But then-Justice Sandra Day O'Connor added that "the Court expects that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today. We're only eight years click from Justice O'Connor's deadline.

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The elites -- and certainly the Biden administration -- want to keep racial quotas and preferences in place. The American people, speaking through the unlikely medium of California voters, have said they don't.

Racial Discrimination in America During the 1920s

Will the courts follow the lead of the people toward the principles of the Civil Rights Act of or the elites' embrace of racial discrimination?]

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