One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Speech -

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Speech One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Speech


We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. When one is free to be him or herself they will be happy. Society has the power to control this freedom and make one feel trapped.

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Speech

Individuals can be manipulated to believe in irrational ideas or morals. Don't use plagiarized sources. She can watch everything the patients are doing in the day room. All of the patients feel the here of the nurse from the window, they know they are always being watched Obe makes them feel inferior and weak. Although the window is transparent, it represents a barrier between the patients and the power the nurse has. Bromden describes this act of rebellion.

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He got one of the cartons of cigarettes with his name on it and took out a pack, then put it back and turned to where the Big Nurse was sitting like a chalk statue and very tenderly went to brushing the silvers of glass over her hat and shoulders. Nurse Ratched also maintains power over the patients by emasculating them. She is a woman with large breasts and tries to hide them under uniform, trying to make the men feel that she is less of a woman. Her goal is to make the patients and any other male at the ward feel less masculine and weaken them to maintain her power. If she can make the patients believe they have a lack of strength she can control them.

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Speech

Society outside the ward leads many patients to believe the only place they belong is inside the ward. Those who are different from the norm are characterized as people who belong in a mental hospital. There are two types of patients in the ward, committed and voluntary.]

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