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Native Instruments is the backbeat to the music industry. Driven by their mission to make music creation more inclusive and accessible, their hardware, software and digital services provide innovative, fully-integrated solutions for hobbyists, amateurs and professionals of all styles and genres. For over 20 years, Native Instruments has been at the heart of musical innovation pursuing our vision to inspire and empower all music lovers. In most cases, No. CMI is a wholesaler, we distribute our products to retailers around Australia. Please visit the home page or brand pages to find an authorised retailer near you. Bulk orders or commercial application products may be an exception, please contact us to discuss. We do however have an online-only store front for the sale of B-stock, superceded product lines and ex-demo stock here. There you can select your desired brand and you will be directed via Google Maps where to go.

Native American Musical Instruments And Music Video

The Sound of Silence - Sonidos del Silencio Panflute and quenacho - Wuauquikuna Native American Musical Instruments And Music Native American Musical Instruments And Music

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Dedicated function buttons give you one-touch access to top performance modes so you drum, play, or step without breaking the flow. Whether browsing for sounds, editing notes, or slicing samples, these high Muic, color displays keep you focused on creating, not on your computer. With the 4-directional push encoder, you can browse sounds and navigate through notes with one hand while playing pads with the other. Eight display knobs automatically map to key instrument parameters for on-the-fly tweaking and sound shaping — plus 1-touch contextual menu make browsing a breeze.

The dual-touch Smart Strips unlock new ways to play.

Native American Musical Instruments And Music

Strum notes, pitchbend sounds, or bring complex textures with Perform FX. A large Note Repeat button lets you create rapid fire drum rolls or inspiring arpeggios on the fly. The dedicated group buttons deliver hands-on control of sounds and key parameters, while standard transport buttons give deep integration with most DAWs.

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Ideas view makes it easy to gather your ideas or plan a performance. Record alternate bass lines.

Native American Musical Instruments And Music

Create scenes for different drum fills, breakdowns, and variations. Mix them up and experiment until you find something you like. Edit patterns, nudge notes, change velocity, record modulation, and more.

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Choose the technique that fits you best with four Ijstruments modes: Detect, Grid, Split, and Manual. Assign slices to the pads automatically and play them just like you would a drum groove or melody. In Pad mode, drum in beats or lightly brush sounds on the 16 ultra-responsive pads. Switch to Keyboard mode and play like a piano. And in Step mode, program sounds precisely where you want them, and automate pitch, volume, LFO, or any other parameter step by step for incredibly intricate and musical results in record time.

Native American Musical Instruments And Music

Then simply load it and go. The USB-powered hardware gives you total control, and the hi-res displays let you slice samples with laser precision. Experienced beatheads will love the vintage sampling modes.]

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