Writing and Main Idea Sentence - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Writing and Main Idea Sentence

Writing and Main Idea Sentence Video

Main Idea - Summarising - Reading Strategies Writing and Main Idea Sentence.

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Click on the button below to start the lesson. Sentencs for the subject of the first sentence. Subjects are nouns persons, places, things, or ideas. Look for a word or phrase that is frequently repeated or referred to. Finally, ask: What do ALL the sentences in the paragraph deal with? Obviously, TV violence has some negative effects. One study found that heavy TV watchers are more fearful of others. They try to protect themselves with guns, alarm systems, and security locks on doors.

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In the same study it was found that heavy TV watchers are less upset about real-life violence than are non-TV watchers. All of the violence they see on TV makes them less sensitive to the real thing. A recent study also found that TV violence Ieda aggressive behavior in kids and makes them more likely to select toy guns rather than other kinds of toys.

Click the forward button to pick a topic.

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Click on the best topic for the previous paragraph. Return if you need to reread paragraph. No, kids are only mentioned in the final sentence. Click the back arrow and try again. The paragraph does mention TV watching, but that is too broad a subject, since TV watchers can see both good and bad or violent programs. Click on the back arrow and try again.

Writing and Main Idea Sentence

The topic, TV violence, is mentioned in the first sentence and repeated throughout the paragraph. Click the forward arrow to see where the topic appears.

Writing and Main Idea Sentence

Finding a Topic Does watching violence on TV make people more prone to violence themselves? They attempt to protect themselves with guns, alarm systems, and security locks on doors.

Want to keep learning?

Ask: What general term includes all or most of them? The general noun is probably the topic. Practice—Read this paragraph.]

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