Importance Of Exodus For The Jewish Community -

Importance Of Exodus For The Jewish Community - remarkable, the

By default, the sun emanates light. The circumstances through which the light is blocked are all external obstacles — whether they be natural or man-made. As long as there is some obstacle between me and the sun, the light will never shine on me. I definitely want to let more light into my life. The light is certainly shining, but something is stopping it from getting to me. If I can figure out what the blockage is, then I can remove it and allow the light to shine through. Sometimes the shadow is cast upon me by external factors that are — to varying degrees — not entirely under my control. I can do my best to avoid or minimize them, but at the end of the day there are going to be situations in which there is not much I can do to remove the obstacle. I will inevitably find myself in times of darkness. Shade is a dimension of reality that I have to learn to live with, and even sometime appreciate. Importance Of Exodus For The Jewish Community

But can Ur Kasdim be Babel? Kasdim is a name used later in the bible for Babylonians. After all, Babel was the world.

Importance Of Exodus For The Jewish Community

Why would anybody want to leave it? Is a prophet someone who has a dedicated line of communication with God?

Importance Of Exodus For The Jewish Community

Or someone who hears what others do not? Is it about information-gathering or about information-analysis? Sure enough, 14 years later, the British issued the Balfour Declaration. Abraham, like Herzl, read the invisible ink that others could not: He rebelled against Babelian universalism and set course toward the Promised Land. A few decades after the exodus from Babel, the world seemed to have been at Co,munity and Abraham was spreading his monotheistic doctrine. But not everybody accepted the principles of the Abrahamic revolution. After all, all of humanity came from Babel. The five kings retaliated with war, crushed the rebels and captured Lot.

Abraham then intervened, delivering a fatal blow to the five kings.

Abraham’s monotheism vs Babel’s SUPREMACISM resurfaces

His victory was not only a rescue operation for Lot. It was a rescue operation for his monotheistic revolution! Indeed, about a thousand years after Abraham, Babel Babylon destroyed Jerusalem. But roughly 1, years afterwards, the Abrahamic doctrine prevailed: Europeans accepted monotheism in the form of Christianity and Middle Easterners in the form of Islam. End of history? Not yet: About a thousand years after that, starting in the 18th century, the old biblical conflict was set to resume with the stunning rise of European atheism.

Importance Of Exodus For The Jewish Community

The writer is the author of upcoming book, Judaism 3. For details: Judaism-Zionism. For his geopolitical articles: EuropeAndJerusalem. To Egypt or to Israel?

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The inauguration of Judaism 1. Yet, Judaism did not evaporate. Jewish transformation — Judaism 3. With the radical decline in religious observance and elimination of outer walls, once again, Judaism has lost its anchor. But at the same time a new one emerged — Zionism, which is now turning into the organizing principle of Judaism. European hijacking the Palestinian cause.]

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