Importance And Importance Of Vitamin -

Importance And Importance Of Vitamin

Importance And Importance Of Vitamin - words... super

Vitamin D 3 is an important fat-soluble vitamin that helps our body absorb calcium, phosphorus and aids in mineralization of bones. Deficiency of D3 leads to skeletal deformities and weak bones. As there are very less dietary sources of this vitamin it is important to go for its supplement to prevent its deficiency. Low levels of vitamin D results in weak bones, weak muscles and also a weaker immune system. Having low levels of vitamin D3 can affect athletic performance, so a cyclist should consume at least capsules of vitamin D3 per day depending on their D3 levels. Optimum D3 is required to build muscle strength as it helps to reduce body fat percentage and gain lean muscle mass. Importance And Importance Of Vitamin


Vitamin C, known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is used by our body to repair and maintain cell tissues. In the body, it acts as an antioxidanthelping to protect cells against damage caused by free radicals.

Importance And Importance Of Vitamin

Free radicals are compounds that are formed when the body converts the food we eat into energy. The body needs Vitamin C to produce collagen and to promote proper wound healing. In addition, vitamin C also improves the absorption of iron present in foods of plant origin and contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system to protect the body against diseases.

Seniors and Vitamin D Deficiency

When there is not an adequate amount of Vitamin C in the body, collagen production decreases. It has the ability to protect cellular DNA, so that it does not produce photochemical alterations that can produce tumors, discoloration or some type of skin cancer.

Importance And Importance Of Vitamin

Your email address will not be published. How to keep your defenses up 29 October, Marine collagen and its benefits 16 November, Vitamin C and the importance of including it in our routine. We have all ever heard the benefits that Vitamin C has for our body, but first of all … What An Vitamin C?

Sources of Vitamin D

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Importance And Importance Of Vitamin

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