Dark chocolate has come to visit us in our gloomy dungeon these past few days, so I thought I might as well share with you the benefits of chocolate.
History of Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate has always been a go-to for me, whenever I feel low or a bit gloomy. I learned that from my friend Miss Feyoh, among other bits of information shared during our old EvilCon.
I believe that the most fundamental benefit of dark chocolate is that it makes people happy. Remember what Elle Woods said? Overall, there has been considerable evidence and studies that Ths provide insight into the benefits of dark chocolate. However, this does not mean you have to go on a black chocolate overload.
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A square or two after dinner or when you are stressed should be fine. However, not just ANY dark chocolate will do. So, always check the percentage when buying.
With that being said, it is still 7 in the morningbut I will go to have my dark chocolate now. Your email address will not be published.
Say YES to Chocolate
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