Imperialism The Age Of New Imperialism Video
The New Imperialism (19th Century)Imperialism The Age Of New Imperialism - consider, what
In historical contexts, New Imperialism characterizes a period of colonial expansion by Western European powers , the United States , Russia and Japan during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. At the time, states focused on building their empires with new technological advances and developments, expanding their territory through conquest, and exploiting the resources of the subjugated countries. During the era of New Imperialism, the Western powers and Japan individually conquered almost all of Africa and parts of Asia. The new wave of imperialism reflected ongoing rivalries among the great powers , the economic desire for new resources and markets, and a " civilizing mission " ethos. Many of the colonies established during this era gained independence during the era of decolonization that followed World War II. The qualifier "new" is used to differentiate modern imperialism from earlier imperial activity, such as the so-called first wave of European colonization between and The American Revolution —83 and the collapse of the Spanish Empire in Latin America during s ended the first era of European imperialism. Especially in Great Britain these revolutions helped show the deficiencies of mercantilism , the doctrine of economic competition for finite wealth which had supported earlier imperial expansion. In , the Corn Laws were repealed and manufacturers gained, as the regulations enforced by the Corn Laws had slowed their businesses. Imperialism The Age Of New Imperialism.During the late 19th century to the early 20th century, Western Europe soughed the aim of imperialism, which is known as New Imperialism.

But what is Imperialism? Imperialism is when strong nations dominate the weaker ones by political, economic or cultural life.
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The main causes for countries to seek expansion of their territories were military and political reasons, humanitarian and religious goals, social Darwinism, Western technology and especially economic motives. The nations that started undergoing an industrial revolution, such as Britain, led to the acceleration of European Imperialism.

The industries required large quantities of raw materials and in order to sell the products, they had to expand and create new markets. All of this created an increase in the competition of trade around the world.
What Imperial governments and private companies wanted was a high-profit margin, they realized that such profits could be achieved through a greater abundance of raw materials at a cheaper price. Economic expansion demanded cheap labor, trade and natural resources, such as precious metals and land.
Essays Related To Economic Causes of Imperialism
After the arrival of the industrial revolution, dependent colonies often provided to European factories and markets a steady supply for raw materials in order to manufacture products, such as oil, rubber and manganese for steel. The special attraction of many countries was that they offered many raw materials needed, which were mainly Africa and Asia, who offered cotton, silk, vegetable oils and the rarer minerals. All these products of the tropics were very welcomed to Europe, although many of them were got by trading without political control. Colonies not only provided cheap raw materials but also new markets where industrialized countries could sell the manufactured goods which were produced at home and could not be sold domestically on the continent. Only by controlling some countries or areas, which meant establishing territories under their direct read more, could the commercial economy function to all intents and purposes.
The financial profits of the new imperialism restricted because the Imperialism The Age Of New Imperialism colonies were too impoverished to spend money on European merchandise.
Reasons and Motives for Imperialism
As some countries became more profitable, they started to become more implicated in imperialism, resulting others to have some difficulties in maintaining a high amount of trade and investment overseas. Businessmen were ambitious for new destinations for selling abroad and pressured the government to secure enslaved markets in Africa. As the European market was limited, some businessmen and government leaders, concluded that overseas markets would solve problems of low prices.]
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