How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse -

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse Video

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

The filmBushwickbegins like a lot of zombie flicks. An unsuspecting couple is walking through a subway station in the working-class neighborhood of Bushwick in Brooklyn.

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

The station eerily empty. They hear gunfire outside. The boyfriend goes out to investigate, and you know from the conventions of a zombie film that this is a very bad idea. No need for a spoiler alert: He dies. The girlfriend ventures out to find the residents of Bushwick fighting an invading Surviev.

But its not a horde of zombies, even though they are committed to the same relentless violence. The invasion force turns out to be a right-wing paramilitary bent on securing the secession of Texas and most of the South from the United States. Why are they in Brooklyn? Thats not entirely clear. The grunts, all dressed in identical black riot gear, are just following orders. They didnt expect resistance, Zmobie the diverse community has banded together African Americans, Orthodox Jews, bearded craft beer connoisseurs.

So, like zombies, the militia members are killing every resident they Apocxlypse. Militia violence. Rejection of the federal government. Right-wing crazies promoting a civil war. Bushwick was made at a time when Hillary Clinton looked like shed be the next president and right-wing resistance inevitable. Instead, the Electoral College tilted toward Donald Trump. As the new head of the federal government, Trump preempted the worst-case scenario.

Maybe we actually could survive!

His more extreme followers How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse weaponize their grievances as long as one of their own was running the country. At the same time, Trump implicitly promised to maintain this tenuous status quo as long as he won reelection.

In the first presidential debate, Trumptold the Proud Boys, a neo-fascist group, to stand back and stand by. The extremists waited, locked and loaded. A landslide against Trump and against his Republican Party enablers might have put this worst-case scenario to rest. Instead, with Trump refusing to concede the election and the Republican Party celebrating its congressional and state house victories, the country is now inching ever closer to theBushwickplotline.

Accelerationists like the Boogaloo Bois, who Zomhie to bring down the existing system through a violent race war, are chomping at the bit.

After all, we’re pretty strong

A raging pandemic has separated Americans the cautiously masked and the defiantly maskless, further undermining what remains of the countrys cohesion.

As for zombies, they haverampaged across American popular cultureat least sinceNight of the Living Deadhit movie theaters in How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse have now lurched off the page and out of the multiplex into real life. For how else would you describe the millions of Americans who deny the effects of a disease that has killed nearlypeople and the results of a free and fair election that repudiated Donald Trump? Jeez,somethingmust have eaten their brains. Inthe virtual equivalent of zombies bots operating through social media and the comment sections of websites intervened in the US presidential election. Inthose bots wereless influential.

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

But who needs virtual zombies when Americans themselves have become so willing to spread disinformation? The Russian intention back in wasnt so much to get Trump elected. No one,including Donald Trump himself, thought there was much chance of that.

Rather, the disinformation campaign sowed doubt about the political system more generally.]

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