Do Not Let History Repeat -

Do Not Let History Repeat

Phrase: Do Not Let History Repeat

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Do Not Let History Repeat

Do Not Let History Repeat Video

History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes: John Langdon at TEDxDrexelU

Do Not Let History Repeat - very

Which James Bond character are you most closely connected to? George Washington and US Presidents. Vlad of Wallachia and Draculas. Alfred Nobel and Nobel prize-winning scientists. A member's introduction in verse: " One tree, two tree Member of the Week : Pamela Culy began her genealogical journey to find her biological father. Now she spends most of her time on WikiTree volunteering as an Adoption Angel , assisting adoptees and others with unknown parentage find their own biological families.

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It only takes a minute to sign up. So, I struggle with a common construction in Chinese where I don't know whether I should use the subject twice or not. For example, in the sentence "After I finished talking with her I went to mcdonalds" uses the word "I" twice in english. In spoken language it is acceptable and actually quite common.

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In written language it should be avoided. Side note: As pointed out by this articlein Chinese, using the same word again and again is not as awkward as bad repetition in English and sometimes it's the only way to satisfy grammatical requirements.

Do Not Let History Repeat

Not directly related but similarly, unnecessary repetitions in general have more appearances in spoken Chinese than in English and sound less awkward. You should not feel bad about it. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Ask Question.

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Asked 6 years, 3 months ago. Active 6 years, 3 months ago.

Do Not Let History Repeat

Viewed times. Unnecessary but acceptable Just kind of awkward Thanks for all of your help!

Do Not Let History Repeat

I know that there are a lot of situations when this happen. Stephen Stephen 4, 12 12 silver badges 37 37 bronze badges. Active Oldest Votes. Depends on the context. In your example it doesn't sound awkward at all. Ma Ming Ma Ming 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges.]

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