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The black mamba Dendroaspis polylepis is a species of highly venomous snake belonging to the family Elapidae. It is native to parts of sub-Saharan Africa.

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Specimens of 4. Its skin colour varies from grey to dark brown. Juvenile black mambas tend to Anx paler than adults darken with age. The species is both terrestrial ground-living and arboreal tree-living ; it inhabits savannahwoodlandrocky slopes and in some regions, dense forest.

Black Bodies And Its Effects On African

It is diurnal and is known to prey on birds and small mammals. Adult black mambas have few natural predators. In a threat displaythe black mamba usually opens its inky-black mouth, spreads its narrow neck-flap and sometimes hisses. It is capable of striking at considerable range and may deliver a series of bites in Black Bodies And Its Effects On African succession. Its venom is primarily composed of neurotoxins that often induce symptoms within ten minutes, and is frequently fatal unless antivenom is administered.

Despite its reputation as a formidable and highly aggressive species, the black mamba attacks humans only if it is threatened or continue reading. InGerman naturalist Bodise Peters described Dendraspis Antinorii from a specimen in the museum of Genoa that had been collected by Italian explorer Orazio Antinori in what is now northern Eritrea. The black mamba is a long, slender, cylindrical snake.


It has a coffin-shaped head with a somewhat pronounced brow ridge and a medium-sized eye. Specimens vary considerably in colour, including olive, yellowish-brown, khaki and gunmetal but are rarely black. The scales of some individuals may have a purplish sheen. Individuals occasionally display dark mottling towards the posterior, which may appear in the form of diagonal crossbands. Black mambas have greyish-white underbellies. The common name is derived from the appearance of the inside of the mouth, dark bluish-grey to nearly black. Juvenile snakes are lighter in colour than adults; these are typically grey or olive green and darken as Efffcts age.

The number and pattern of scales on a snake's body are a key element of identification to species level. Its eyes have 3 or occasionally 4 preocular and 2—5 postocular scales.

Black Bodies And Its Effects On African

Inthe black mamba was recorded in the Dakar region of Senegal. This observation, and a subsequent observation that identified a second specimen in the region inhas not been confirmed and thus the snake's distribution in this area is Bodjes. The species prefers moderately dry environments such as light woodland and scrub, rocky outcrops and semi-arid savanna.

The black mamba is both terrestrial and arboreal.

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On the ground, it moves with its head and neck raised, and typically uses termite mounds, abandoned burrows, rock crevices and tree cracks as shelter. Black mambas are diurnal ; in South Africa, they are recorded to bask between 7 and 10 am and again from 2 to 4 pm. They may return daily to the same basking site. Skittish and often unpredictable, the black mamba is agile and can move quickly.]

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