An Experiment On The Organic Effect -

An Experiment On The Organic Effect An Experiment On The Organic Effect

Since starting my Quantum Elements series and creating the various organic abstractions I have continued to experiment with various types of photographic equipment to alter the visual effects. Concurrently the conditions in which I set-up these experiments also change, even the dielectric medium I use to bend the light. For the image above, LST, I made a change in the shutter speed, increasing the exposure time drastically. Perhaps the type of results were somewhat anticipated in how I am losing many of the hard edges compared to the earlier experimentation, while the pools of color became softer.

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Since I do a lot of post-processing adjustments for this artwork, what I see during the image exposure is at best an approximation, but that does provide me with some hints that there is something of interest to work with. With this new set of experiments, especially the artwork above, I sense more visual dynamics occurring within the frame. The blurring hints of movement and that this is not meant to be a static condition. For me, the burring also appears to creates a little more tension and turmoil while incorporating Ogganic darker values, essentially a darker edge.

Perhaps a relevant image for the current political and pandemic conditions, especially in conjunction the muted colors I chose for this piece.

This abstraction looks really dynamic when printed on the Hahnemuehle Rag Metallic papers as the colors just seem to shimmer in the light. Exhibition reception is January 16th, — pm with reservations required to maintain social distancing. Sign-ups start December 1st. More information here.

An Experiment On The Organic Effect

Anticipate that it is a virtual workshop; four days, two weekends, on Zoom. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email.

Notify me of new posts via email. Blog at WordPress. Menu About Douglas Stockdale Books. LSTa Quantum Elements copyright Douglas Stockdale Since starting my Quantum Elements series and creating the various organic abstractions I have continued to experiment with various types of photographic equipment to alter the visual effects. I anticipate that I will explore this image capture process more often.

An Experiment On The Organic Effect

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