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4 Voyages Of Christopher Columbus - accept. opinion

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4 Voyages Of Christopher Columbus Video

A Brief History of Columbus: The Four Voyages

New World 4 Voyages Of Christopher Columbus is a rich field that is constantly being analyzed for new material. The complexity of these tales never fails to amaze me. When the adventures of Christopher Columbus are studied, the main focus undoubtedly rests on his maiden voyage that occurred in the fall of The importance of this venture still rings true today, for it was the discovery of the "trade winds" that made easy passage to the Americas possible and forever changed life in the New Click. Nonetheless, life is never Columbhs simple, for the Admiral of the 4 Voyages Of Christopher Columbus Sea made three additional voyages to the Caribbean and its outlying areas.

And as fate would have it, Columbus would experience both the ecstacy and agony that falls upon most more info. Columbus's first trans-Atlantic voyage was easy sailing. He left Cadiz, Spain in August with three ships that are now enshrined in the annals of history. One of the ships, the Pinta, had busted a Ot, so as a result, Columbus and his crew spent four weeks in the port city of La Gomera. While on the island, the crew replenished their supplies, added a few islanders to their crew and then set sail for places unknown in early September.

On October 12th, the crew stepped ashore, probably in the Bahamas.

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If you wish to know exactly where the small fleet made landfall, good luck, for even today's historians and researchers cannot agree on a specific spot of land. Nonetheless, the Columbus stayed in the New World for a few months. During that time he explored other places near Og Bahamas, including two large islands, known today as Cuba and Hispanola home to Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

4 Voyages Of Christopher Columbus

Early in JanuaryColumbus set sail for Spain, even though he had only two ships. The Santa Maria could not return because it had run aground on Hispanola. Because of the loss of one sailing ship, 39 members of the crew stayed behind.

The Symbolism Of A Voyage Gone Wrong

On board the two ships, Columbus brought back pineapples, tobacco, turkeys, hammocks, and even some Native American peoplewhich he had deceptively enticed to board the ships for a short visit. Banking on the success of his first voyage, Christopher Columbus returned to the Caribbean in the fall of with a fleet of seventeen ships, men and many livestock. The second crossing of the Atlantic took a slightly 4 Voyages Of Christopher Columbus southern route. After leaving Spain on September 24, the flotilla arrived at Hispanola on October 13,one year and one day after the initial date of discovery.

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Unfortunately, the men, who had been left behind, had all perished in warfare with Native Americans and, in general, the first attempt to create a New World colony did not go well. During the three years that Columbus and his crew remained in the Caribbean, they managed to expand Coluumbus explorations to Puerto Rico and Jamaica.

Gold was discovered on Hispanola, but attempts to mine the valuable element resulted in more warfare with the local Indians. Columbus was upbeat about enslaving the local Indians, but the royal family of Spain would have nothing to do with the plan.

4 Voyages Of Christopher Columbus

Despite the King and Queen's disapproval, Columbus sent numerous slaves to Spain and even brought some back with him, when he returned three years later.]

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