Young Woman Who Are Hoping For A -

Young Woman Who Are Hoping For A Video

Helplessly Hoping - Cover by Suddenly Years Align (SYA)

Young Woman Who Are Hoping For A - apologise, but

KABUL Reuters — In a small art gallery in the Afghan capital, Marzia Panahi watches as one of the young artists she has just employed applies paint to a framed felt canvas propped up against a easel. In addition to generating jobs, Panahi said she wanted to find a way of reintroducing felt to traditional arts and crafts in Afghanistan. Historically it had been produced to make carpets, she said, but in recent years its use had declined. Faiqa Sultani, a year old artist, said she had initially felt depressed due to the lockdown and lack of opportunities, but since joining Namad her mood had improved. Young Woman Who Are Hoping For A

How does one gain hope?

Young Woman Who Are Hoping For A

Surfing the Internet? Maybe, if you know where to look. Watching TV? Not really.

Postcards and empowerment

Reading an inspiring book? Doing something positive? More likely. Helping someone else?

Young Woman Who Are Hoping For A

The cards come in sets of two: one to keep for yourself to brighten your day and the other to send as a gift to someone you love as a holiday gift telling them that a donation has been made in their name. This co-op unites women determined to make a difference in their corner of the world.

Although some of them live four to five hours away by foot from their central meeting place, 2, of them gather in this building, obtaining small loans oYung run small income-generation businesses like gardening, beekeeping, pig farming, poultry farming, and merchandise selling. The Young Living Foundation funded a new building that was recently completed and is where they will organize vocational and skills development trainings.

Before the chairperson of the cooperative was put in touch with the Young Living Foundation, she was not hopeful that they would be able to build this new building, as multiple construction companies had given her assurances that they would work with her but none came through. But now, she says their dreams have come true with their own building.

Young Woman Who Are Hoping For A

The Young Living Foundation is helping these women build hope for link and their families, one brick, one building at a time. You too can join us in supporting them…a postcard at a time. Postcards and empowerment Share. Your purchase of a set of Developing Enterprise cards supports the Young Living Foundation as it supports talented women artisans experiencing economic hardship in areas like the West Bank, India, and the United States.]

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