The Ugly Truth By Gerard Butler And -

The Ugly Truth By Gerard Butler And - congratulate

Abby is an uptight TV producer who takes the reigns of a morning show segment on modern relationships. Mike, the segment host, has his own theories about what makes men and women tick. Stars Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler. The Ugly Truth. TV 1 hr 24 min The Ugly Truth By Gerard Butler And. The Ugly Truth By Gerard Butler And

The Ugly Truth By Gerard Butler And - consider

Jump to. Sections of this page. Accessibility Help. Email or Phone Password Forgot account? Sign Up. The Ugly Truth: The Makeover. The Wolfman: The visions of the disturbed. Pitch Perfect: Singing in the shower. Joe Dirt: Buffalo Bob. Venom: Eating lobsters.

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Hard on the spike heels of the lame Sandra Bullock-Ryan Reynolds romantic comedy The Proposal comes yet another battle-of-the-sexes romcom. Difficult though it may be to imagine, The Ugly Truth is much, much worse — a hideously misguided attempt to marry girly chick-flick sentiment with laddish Judd-Apatow -style raunch. Abby is a neurotic, control-freaky singleton; she gets her assistant to do background checks on her internet dates and has a checklist of qualities to be met by her ideal man. Inevitably, he gives her a makeover: taking her shopping, changing her hair and pushing her into a push-up bra.

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Somehow, she ends up wearing them to a starchy business dinner and gets her knickers in more than a twist when a kid on a neighbouring table takes hold of the remote. Naturally, the pair will eventually come around to Greard each other in a different light, but we have to endure yet more witless piffle before they get there. Home Movie Talk.

The Ugly Truth By Gerard Butler And

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The Ugly Truth By Gerard Butler And

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