The Self And Identity Being Socially Constructed - something is
I get homesick a lot, and being so far away from my parents makes me emotional. Thus, creating this work or space that felt like home was also a way for me to be more connected to my identity and cultural heritage. I began with a strong focus on painting, but eventually, when I shifted my focus to issues like race and identity, I felt like the medium needed to be more complex in order to reflect the importance of the content in a nuanced way. There are moments where I do make art for fun but because of who I am as an artist, that will still get twisted into something political, there is no escaping it. Your work Home Sweet Home , stood out particularly to me for its controversial and provocative narrative to address cultural power structure while countering Islamophobia. Do you see yourself as an activist? A piece that highlighted the problem with the male gaze was my Oriental Woman performance art. In this piece, I collected images of Orientalist-styled paintings of Eastern women by European artists between the 18thth centuries, which clearly embody the ideas of fantasy, myth and exoticism. It revealed a conflicted position I am in, by demonstrating my culture and trying to defeat the exotic views of Muslim women. The Self And Identity Being Socially Constructed
Many people start laughing, and the moment is ruined for you. Someone disregards the performance you put all your heart in, you worked tirelessly for. Someone makes fun of you while you are still on the stage. Your performance, your day is ruined.
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Your hands are sweaty, you are feeling dizzy and absolutely clueless as to how to react. You are unable to understand what just happened? And what to do next? How to react?
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The Beinv of Self Identity is the answer! One, you would accept the negative remark and believe that it is true. You will start to believe that your performance was terrible, you are not a good artist, you are incapable and unskilled. You will conclude that you will never perform in front of people again.
Or you will dismiss it as criticism and not let it affect you. You will let go of that painful moment and will tell yourself to never question your art just because one person failed to appreciate it.

You will overcome that one remark quickly so it does not impact you and you Beiny continue to perform. Negative remarks are difficult to deal with. When you start to believe in a negative remark on you, you act according to your social identity. You must now be wondering what is Social Identity?

Our friends, family, or teachers define us differently. If you ask your friend, mother or teacher to describe you, there will be some similarities and dissimilarities in their answers.]
I am sorry, that I interfere, but I suggest to go another by.
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