The Relation Between Stalin And Hitler -

The Relation Between Stalin And Hitler Video

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - History Matters (Short Animated Documentary) The Relation Between Stalin And Hitler


By Tony Rennell for the Daily Mail. Stalin not only refused to believe the information but was furious at the very suggestion that his precious agreement with Hitler would not hold. From this we learn two things. First, that Stalin was the one duped by Hitler into agreeing two years earlier to the unlikely peace deal between the two rival superpowers, despite the ideological chasm between them. Stalin thought it would last; Hitler never had any such intention. Hitler pictured established a cult of personality in which he was the godhead, to Relayion trusted, adored and, above all, obeyed.

The Relation Between Stalin And Hitler

The second thing we learn is about the very different personas of the two leaders. Because, according to prominent historian Laurence Rees in his latest book, such crudity as Stalin wrote would not The Relation Between Stalin And Hitler come out of the mouth of Hitler. By contrast, the foulmouthed Stalin was uncouth and hard-drinking, with discoloured teeth and an unkempt moustache. Manners apart, the two men had much in common: indifference to suffering, certainty of purpose, loneliness neither had an intimate confidante and a hatred of Christianity.

Each believed, writes Rees, that he and he alone had uncovered the secret of existence. Both condemned free speech and attacked human rights. Both managed to convince their millions of deludedad-herents that they were infallible. Both believed that reaching those goals justified the most appalling suffering. Thus, in Septemberin a ravine outside Kiev, 33, Jews were forced by their Nazi captors to strip naked and lie on the corpses of those who had gone before them, to be dispatched with bullets. The horror was unimaginable, yet Babi Yar was just the start. The conveyor-belt killing of the extermination camps followed in the years ahead, the thousands turning into millions — all Hitler's handiwork. As for Stalin, among those on whom he took out his spite were the Kalmyks, an ancient Mongol people from the Russian steppes, the entire population of whom were hunted down in and deported, in unheated cattle trucks, to the Siberian wastelands.

Tens of thousands died. Both tyrants were monsters, yet their personalities and the way they operated were as different as chalk and cheese. Hitler was a man The Relation Between Stalin And Hitler vision — though the vision was a warped one: Deutschland uber alles, whatever the cost in human or, as he as saw it, sub-human lives.

The Relation Between Stalin And Hitler

He had a charismatic effect on people. Opponents thought his voice 'scratchy', his delivery shouty and his political ideas simplistic. But the masses he preached to were looking for a saviour and could only hear his self-belief — the commodity that a Germany still reeling in the s from the defeat of and reduced to an economic basket case desperately needed.

Clock ticking

Hitler not only fitted the bill but built on it, establishing a cult of personality in which he was the godhead, to be trusted, adored and, above all, obeyed. As the Wall Street Journal pithily put it at the time: 'The principal difference between Mr Hitler and Mr Stalin is the size of their respective moustaches'. He, the Stlin, dictated rather than discussed.]

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