The Pros And Cons Of Hate Crime Video
The Best Medical Specialty Debate - Our Decision - Pros/cons \u0026 How we decided - Quarantine Cast Ep 1 The Pros And Cons Of Hate CrimeIt was definitely different from the hustle and bustle of Stamford, CT. Lake Waccamaw is where you will find spacious double wide trailers, lizards crawling on your front door and a big lovely lake right in the center of the town.
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Like most things in life, it had its pros and cons. With that being said, here are the pros and cons of living in the country.

It gets rather boring -As much as I hate to say this, living in the country can get rather boring. In order to be really active you have to get out there and look for things to do. One of my favorite things to do was attend the school basketball games. Everything is spaced out -In order to get to where you are trying to go, you really need a car. Public transportation is Conns scarce down there so here really need your own vehicle.
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On top of that, if you need to go to a store and purchase something chances are that store is at least 15 minutes away. Due to this harsh reality you will have to commute to work. Depending on what country area you live in you may have to travel up to an hour OOf to work. Lower cost of living -One of my absolute favorite things about living in the country is the fact that it is very affordable.
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Lower crime rate -The country is much less densely populated so because of that there is a much lower crime rate. One thing you always want to consider when you move to a new area is the crime rate, especially if you have little ones.

Cleaner air -In the country there are much less factories, cars and pollution. So because of this the air is so much cleaner and crisp. The country is a great place to enjoy the scenery and just be.
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