The Importance Of Writings In Writing - really. join
Writing is one of the most important skills for educational success, but also one of the most complex skills to be mastered Tillema, It is one of the four-macro skills of English language that requires a great cognitive demand and much practice in order to produce a well-structured way of the presentation of thoughts in an organized and planned manner. Significantly, it embodies the rule of syntax, semantics, orthography, mechanics and most of all appropriate choice of lexis that will fit in the writing content and in the target audience of the piece hence, it turns out to be complex in the part of the students especially the L2 learners. In addition, Cummins believes that a linguistic difference between the two languages, which include the pattern of syntax, morphology, orthography, and even phonology, affects how an L2 writer organizes the written discourse in the second language. This may produce errors and distinct rhetorical patterns due to L1 cultural mode of thinking. This only proves that writing is indeed a difficult task. There is now a need for both students and teachers to embody one of the 21st-century skills known as communication skills—refers as the ability of individuals to communicate clearly, not only in oral languages but also in written, and non-verbal languages www. Coady and Huckin posited that part of communicative competence is lexical competence, which defines as the ability to express thoughts and ideas inappropriate words and meaningful sentences. To make it happen, the leaners need a wide range of vocabulary in expressing their thoughts especially in the aspect of writing.The Importance Of Writings In Writing Video
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