The Health Issue Of Childhood Obesity -

The Health Issue Of Childhood Obesity

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Apologise: The Health Issue Of Childhood Obesity

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CYBER CRIME 5 days ago · CHILDHOOD OBESITY PHYSICAL COMPLICATIONS I Type 2 diabetes. This chronic condition affects the way your child’s body uses sugar (glucose). Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Metabolic syndrome. This cluster of conditions can put your child at risk of heart disease, diabetes or other health problems. 6 days ago · The well-being of persons with overweight and obesity, in particular of children and adolescents, may be impaired. The present study investigates the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of girls and boys with overweight and obesity living in Germany as compared to those of normal-weight, while taking a selection of relevant determinants of HRQoL into account. The sample comprises More About Childhood Obesity: Statistics and Prevention. Unfortunately, higher numbers of children are overweight or obese today than at any other time in history. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a child is overweight if his or her weight falls between the 85th and 95th percentile for children of the same age, gender, and height on the body mass index (BMI) scale.
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The Health Issue Of Childhood Obesity

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Metrics details. The well-being of persons with overweight and obesity, in particular of children and adolescents, may be impaired. The present study investigates the health-related quality of life HRQoL of girls and boys with overweight and obesity living in Germany as compared to those of normal-weight, while taking a selection of relevant determinants of HRQoL into account. Multiple regression analyses were performed with HRQoL dimensions as outcomes to test for differences between children and adolescents with normal-weight vs. In a next step, age, physical activity, media consumption, social support and self-efficacy were considered as potential confounders in the analyses. HRQoL of German children and adolescents with overweight and obesity is impaired according to physical well-being in general, while psychological and parent-related well-being is particularly affected in boys.

But genetic and hormonal factors might play a role as well. Regularly eating high-calorie foods, such as fast foods, baked goods and vending machine snacks, can cause your child to gain weight.

The Health Issue Of Childhood Obesity

Candy and desserts also can cause weight gain, and more and more evidence points to sugary drinks, including fruit juices, as culprits in obesity in some people. Lack of exercise. Too much time spent in Heealth activities, such as watching television or playing video games, also contributes to the problem.

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If your child comes from a family of overweight people, he or she may be more likely to put on weight. Psychological factors. Some children overeat to cope with problems or to deal with emotions, such as stress, or to fight boredom. Their parents might have similar tendencies.

The Health Issue Of Childhood Obesity

Socioeconomic factors. People in some communities have limited resources and limited access to supermarkets. Also, people who live in lower income neighborhoods might not have access to a safe place to exercise. Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Metabolic syndrome. This cluster of conditions can put your child at risk of heart disease, click or other health problems. High cholesterol and high blood pressure. A poor diet can cause your child to develop one or both of these conditions. These factors can contribute to the buildup of plaques in the arteries, which can cause arteries to narrow and harden, possibly leading to a heart attack or stroke later in life. Children who are overweight or obese might be more likely to have asthma. Sleep disorders.

This disorder, which usually causes no symptoms, causes fatty deposits to build up in the liver. NAFLD can lead to scarring and liver damage. Bone fractures. Obese children are more likely to break bones than are children of normal weight. Children often tease or bully their overweight The Health Issue Of Childhood Obesity, who suffer a loss of self-esteem and an increased risk of depression as a result. Behavior and learning problems. Overweight children tend to have more anxiety and poorer social skills than normal-weight children do.


These problems might lead children who are overweight either to act out and disrupt their classrooms or to withdraw socially. Low self-esteem can create overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, which can lead to depression in Hezlth children who are overweight. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account.

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