The Application Of Operant Learning -

The Application Of Operant Learning Video

Operant Conditioning Example The Application Of Operant Learning The Application Of Operant Learning

Operant learning is a method that people use regularly to modify and control behaviors. By learning an association between a behavior and a designated consequence, people begin to either increase or decrease the frequency of that behavior. Further, the concepts of reinforcement and punishment are especially useful tools of modifying behavior through operant learning. For this assignment, you will first need to provide a basic overview of operant learning, as well as the definitions for positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment. You will then need to apply each of these concepts to the following scenario:.

You take over a 1st grade classroom in the middle of the school year. Your new students are The Application Of Operant Learning to making up their own rules, talking back, answering questions without raising their hand, arguing and yelling to get their way, and fighting with other students.

Describe how you could use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment to increase their positive behaviors and decrease their negative behaviors. Be sure to include at least one example for each! Include: The behavior, the consequence, and the intended outcome.

Operant Learning Application

Be sure to explain what each is. Papers should also be double-spaced with one-inch margins on all sides. Since the assignment is posted well in advance of its due date, no late papers will be accepted.

The Application Of Operant Learning

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The Application Of Operant Learning

Define all the terms listed pertaining to operant learning. Our writers are specially selected and recruited, after which they undergo further training to perfect their skills for specialization purposes. Moreover, our writers are holders of masters and Ph. They have impressive academic records, besides being native English speakers.

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