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We're escalating research projects and pursuing ideas that deepen knowledge about cellular senescence and the biology of aging. Our expert scientists embrace a multidisciplinary approach to aging, bringing together neurology, psychology, pharmacology, oncology and other fields. Our goal is to increase the years of independent living and remaining free of age-related diseases and disabilities. Aging is the greatest risk factor for most chronic diseases, and chronic diseases account for the majority of morbidity and health care expenditures in developed nations. This burden of frailty and loss of independence will increasingly threaten social and economic stability in the U. Recent research discoveries suggest that aging may actually be a modifiable risk factor. Our research efforts have focused on the goal of increasing health span and quality of life for older adults, measured by the years of independent living and remaining free of age-related diseases and disabilities. From providing the best individualized care to addressing the world's most challenging health care problems, our researchers relentlessly pursue discoveries that will deliver hope and better health to people today and for generations to come. Our center's culture of collaboration and teamwork speeds the transformation of promising laboratory discoveries into lifesaving treatments. The Kogod Center on Aging has a national presence, bringing together clinicians and scientists from all departments at Mayo Clinic's three campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota in a unique collaboration that leads to innovative ways of studying aging. The Aging Process Of Aging

The Aging Process Of Aging Video

Dr. David Sinclair on How to Slow the Aging Process


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The Aging Process Of Aging

Our writers are highly skilled to complete any given assignment on time with zero plagiarism. The process of aging entails getting older. With age, the body cells stop functioning at the standard rates.

The Aging Process Of Aging

According to Cavanaugh and Blanchard-Fieldsthe aging process influences every aspect of human life, which is psychological, physiological, social and biological. The other factor that triggers the aging process is the cellular distortion that results in a shortened DNA and leads to apoptosis.

Delaying the aging process

A large proportion of the global population is aging although the rates vary in different nations. The increase can be attributed to improved healthcare, which has increased life expectancy. The current number of the senior population globally is expected to rise to twenty percent in the next twenty-five years. The rapid increase in the elderly population will exert significant pressure on the healthcare facilities especially Medicaid, Medicare, and social security programs. The older women and men are likely to suffer disabilities and financial constraints and in most cases end up living in nursing homes.]

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