Magic Bus The Main Epidemic That Plagues -

Magic Bus The Main Epidemic That Plagues

Magic Bus The Main Epidemic That Plagues Video

The Most Destructive Pandemics and Epidemics In Human History

Something: Magic Bus The Main Epidemic That Plagues

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Magic Bus The Main Epidemic That Plagues.

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The plague killed an estimated 75, topeople, around one quarter of the population, and is believed to have entered Athens through Piraeusthe city's port and sole source of food and supplies. The plague had effects on Athens' society, resulting in a lack of adherence to laws and religious belief; in response laws became stricter, resulting in the punishment of non-citizens claiming to be Athenian. In addition, Periclesthe leader of Athens, died from the plague. Some 30 pathogens have been suggested as having caused the plague. Sparta and its allies, with the exception of Corinthwere almost exclusively Bys based powers, able to summon E;idemic land armies that were very nearly unbeatable. In the face of a combined campaign on land from Sparta and its allies beginning in BC, Plagufs Athenians, under the direction of Pericles, pursued a policy of retreat within the city walls of Athens, relying on Athenian maritime supremacy for supply while the superior Athenian navy harassed Spartan troop movements.

Unfortunately, the strategy also resulted in massive migration from the Attic countryside into an already highly populated city, generating overpopulation and resource shortage. Due to the close quarters and poor hygiene exhibited at that time, Athens became a breeding ground for disease and Epidmeic citizens died. In the history of epidemics war time, the 'Plague' of Athens is remarkable for the limitation of the affliction to one side as well as Magic Bus The Main Epidemic That Plagues its influence on the ultimate outcome of the war. In his History of the Peloponnesian Warthe historian Thucydideswho was present and contracted the disease himself and survived, [5] describes the epidemic.

He writes of a disease coming from Ethiopia and passing through Egypt and Libya into the Greek world and Epidrmic throughout the wider Mediterranean; a plague so severe and deadly that no one could recall anywhere its like, and physicians ignorant of its nature not only were helpless but themselves died the fastest, having had the most contact with the sick. The sight of the burning funeral pyres of Athens caused the Spartans to withdraw their troops, being unwilling to risk contact with the diseased enemy.

Many of Athens' infantry and expert seamen died. According to Thucydides, not until BC had Athens recovered sufficiently to mount a major offensive, the disastrous Sicilian Expedition. The first corroboration of the plague was not revealed until where excavation revealed the first mass grave. Accounts of the Athenian plague graphically describe the social consequences of an epidemic. Thucydides' account clearly details the complete disappearance of social morals during the time of the plague:. The perceived impact of the Athenian plague on collective social and religious behavior echoes accounts of the medieval pandemic Magic Bus The Main Epidemic That Plagues known as the Black Death[8] although source have disputed its objective veracity in both instances, citing a historical link between epidemic disease and unsubstantiated moral panic that bordered on hysteria.

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Thucydides states that people ceased fearing the law since they felt they were already living under a death sentence. Likewise, people started spending money indiscriminately. Many felt they would not live long enough to enjoy the fruits of wise investment, Epidemci some of the poor unexpectedly became wealthy by inheriting the property of their relatives. It is also recorded that people refused to behave honorably because most did not expect to live long enough to enjoy a good reputation for it.

Another reason for the lack of honorable behavior was the sheer contagiousness of the illness. Those who tended to the ill were most vulnerable to catching the disease.

Magic Bus The Main Epidemic That Plagues

Magic Bus The Main Epidemic That Plagues This meant that many people died alone because no one was willing to risk caring for them. The dead were heaped on top of each other, left to rot, or shoved into mass graves. Sometimes those carrying the dead would come across an already burning funeral pyre, dump a new body on it, and walk away. Others appropriated prepared pyres so as to have enough fuel to cremate their own dead. Those lucky enough to survive the plague developed an immunity and so became the main caretakers of those who later fell ill. A mass grave and nearly 1, tombs, dated between and BC, have been found just outside Athens' ancient Kerameikos cemetery. The mass grave was bordered by a low wall that seems to have protected the cemetery from a wetland. Excavated during —95, the shaft-shaped grave may have contained a total of individuals, at least ten of them children.

Skeletons in the graves were randomly placed with no layers of soil between them. Excavator Efi Baziotopoulou-Valavani, of the Third Ephoreia Directorate of Antiquities, reported that "[t]he mass grave did not have a monumental character. The offerings we found consisted of common, aMgic cheap, burial vessels; black-finished ones, some small red-figured, as well as white lekythoi oil flasks Magic Bus The Main Epidemic That Plagues the Tbat half of the 5th century BC. The bodies were placed in the pit within a day or two. These [factors] point to a mass burial in a state of panic, quite possibly due to a plague.

Magic Bus The Main Epidemic That Plagues

During this time refugees from the Peloponnesian war had immigrated within the Long Walls of Athens, inflating the populations of both the polis of Athens and the port of Piraeus.]

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