Prescription Marijuana And Why Veterans Need It -

Prescription Marijuana And Why Veterans Need It Video

Veterans Explore Benefits of Using Medical Marijuana for PTSD Prescription Marijuana And Why Veterans Need It. Prescription Marijuana And Why Veterans Need It Prescription Marijuana And Why Veterans Need It

But given the federal laws against marijuana, a veteran in that situation could find his or her status with the VA in question. Veterans looking for alternatives addictive and dangerous opioids and other pharmaceuticals are effectively prevented from using marijuana, by price, policy and quite often the ongoing stigma that marijuana still carries. Veterans groups are trying to change things.

Among them is the American Legion, the oldest and arguably most conservative of veterans organizations. Five years.

Prescription Marijuana And Why Veterans Need It

Today, the year-old lawyer serves as legal counsel for Weed for Warriors Project, a nonprofit cannabis advocacy organization for veterans. In the House of Representatives, where a Democratic majority has been in control for the past 17 months, two modest corrective bills have cleared committee and could pass the whole House.

But then there is the Republican-controlled Senate, where nearly every good House-passed bills goes to die. Studies are a good idea. Data is crucial.

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But, veterans in need remain caught in a system designed half a century ago to demonize pot and the people who use it. Your email address will not Neef published. Home Liberal News Veterans Administration won't prescribe medical marijuana because of ridiculous federal pot ban. Veterans Administration won't prescribe medical marijuana because of ridiculous federal pot ban. Source: dailykos.

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Prescription Marijuana And Why Veterans Need It

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