Violence And Gun Violence -

Violence And Gun Violence

Violence And Gun Violence - you

Across the Portland Police Bureau, officers were significantly more likely to stop a driver for non-traffic violations if the driver was Black. Black motorists also were more likely to be searched, yet less likely than whites to be found with contraband, according to bureau reports. We will continue to incorporate these system changes, policy changes and training, including how to better capture consent searches. The bureau examined stops made by traffic officers separate from stops made by all other officers, including patrol officers and investigators. Black drivers were asked to consent to a search at almost twice the rate of all other racial groups, according to the bureau report. Police asked Black drivers to be searched in 8. White drivers were significantly more likely to refuse a search than Black drivers. Violence And Gun Violence

Violence And Gun Violence Video

The state of gun violence in the US, explained in 18 charts Violence And Gun Violence

Between a. Friday, at least five people were shot and killed in an eruption of gun violence in Baton Rouge. One man was found shot to death in a motel Friday morning, two people were killed in a midday shooting on Sherwood Forest Boulevard, another person was found dead at a gas station on Airline Highway in the evening and one person was killed amid reports of a shooting on Aster Street.

The shooting was reported around noon Friday at the address of a business in the block of South Sherwood Forest Boulevard near where it crosses Interstate Violence And Gun Violence L'Jean McKneely said, referring to how the double homicide occurred in the middle of the afternoon on a busy commercial thoroughfare.


Baton Rouge Police found two people shot at an Airline Highway gas station Friday night, one of them dead, Violencw they believe they were wounded elsewhere. The shooting victims were found around 7 p. At least one person was killed and the coroner called to Aster Street following a shooting late Friday night, Baton Rouge Police say.

McKneely said the coroner was called to the block of Aster Street around p. The address appears to be near an apartment complex.

Violence And Gun Violence

Editor's Note: A previous version of this story incorrectly said there were six killed instead of five. Edit Close. Toggle navigation. Francisville St. Here's what we know about each shooting:. Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. Manage followed notifications.

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