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Intercultural Communication Understanding Culture And Perspectives Intercultural Communication Understanding Culture And Perspectives

Skip to content. Toggle navigation. The Chinese word xin, which primarily denotes the heart organ, covers the meanings of both "heart" and "mind" as understood in English, which upholds a heart-head dichotomy. In contrast to the Western dualist view, Chinese takes on a more holistic view that sees the heart as the center of both emotions and thought. The contrast characterizes two cultural traditions that have developed different conceptualizations of person, self, and agent of cognition.

The concept of "heart" lies at the core of Chinese thought and medicine, and its importance to Chinese culture is extensively manifested in the Chinese language. Diachronically, this book Commknication the roots of its conception in ancient Chinese philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine.

Intercultural Communication Understanding Culture And Perspectives

Along the synchronic dimension, it not only makes a systematic analysis of conventionalized expressions that reflect the underlying cultural models and conceptualizations, as well as underlying conceptual metaphors and metonymies, but also attempts a textual analysis of an essay and a number of poems for their metaphoric and metonymic images and imports contributing to the cultural models and conceptualizations. It also takes up a comparative perspective that sheds light on similarities and differences between Western and Chinese cultures in the Intercultural Communication Understanding Culture And Perspectives of the heart, brain, body, mind, self, and person. The book contributes to the understanding of the embodied nature of human cognition situated in its cultural context, and the relationship between language, culture, and cognition.

Get Books. This book is a cognitive semantic study of the Chinese conceptualization of the heart, traditionally seen as the central faculty of cognition. Sadness Expressions in English and Chinese. This book reports on the contrastive-semantic investigation of sadness expressions between English and Chinese, based on two monolingual general corpora and a parallel corpus.

The exploration adopts a unique theoretical approach which integrates corpus-linguistic theories on meaning as a social construct. Metaphor and Intercultural Communication. Metaphor and Intercultural Communication examines in detail the dynamics of metaphor in interlingual contact, translation and globalization processes. Its case-studies, which combine methods of cognitive metaphor theory with those of corpus-based and discourse-oriented research, cover contact linguistic and cultural contacts between Chinese, English including Translational English and Aboriginal English, Greek.

Intercultural Communication Understanding Culture And Perspectives

The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor. This volume aims Communifation contribute to the theory of metaphor from the viewpoint of Chinese, in order to help place the theory into a wider cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspective. It focuses on metaphors of emotion, the "time as space" metaphor and the Event Structure Metaphor.

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Ways of Sensing. Ways of Sensing is a stimulating exploration of the cultural, historical and political dimensions of the world of the senses. The book spans a wide range of settings and makes comparisons between different cultures and epochs, revealing the power and diversity of sensory expressions across time and space. Intercultural Communication Understanding Culture And Perspectives chapters. Suitable for practitioners and students of Chinese medicine it discusses first the aetiology, pathology and diagnosis of mental disorders. New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics. The past decade and a half has witnessed a great deal of renewed interest in the study of Chinese linguistics, not only in the traditional areas of philological studies and in theoretically oriented areas of syn chronic grammar and language change but also in the cultivation of Intfrcultural frontiers in.

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Culture, Comkunication, and Language. One of the central themes in cognitive linguistics is the uniquely human development of some higher potential called the "mind" and, more particularly, the intertwining of body and mind, which has come to be known as embodiment. Several books and volumes have explored this theme in length. However, the interaction. Emotions in Crosslinguistic Perspective. This volume aims to enrich the current interdisciplinary theoretical discussion of human emo-tions by presenting studies based on extensive linguistic data from Intercultural Communication Understanding Culture And Perspectives wide range of languages of the world.

Each language-specific study gives detailed semantic descriptions of the meanings of culturally salient emotion words and expressions, offering fascinating insights. The Complementary Therapist's Guide to Conventional Medicine Cmomunication a unique textbook for students and practitioners of complementary medicine, offering a systematic comparative approach to Western and Eastern medicine. Practitioners of complementary medicine increasingly find themselves working alongside conventionally trained doctors and nurses and it is vital for them to develop.]

Intercultural Communication Understanding Culture And Perspectives

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  1. Not spending superfluous words.

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