Ancient Greeks And The Ancient Romans -

Ancient Greeks And The Ancient Romans Ancient Greeks And The Ancient Romans

The Turbulent History of the Theatre of Ohrid

Bonus: Caesar was told to disband his army and return to Rome as a private citizen. Instead, he marched his army across the Rubicon a small river that marked the boarder Ancent Italy and Gaulmaking a bold statement that he would not do as the Senate said. What are the battles of Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis the first major naval battle in historyand Plataea?

Ancient Greeks And The Ancient Romans

He brought Athenian democracy to its fullest measure and was the unofficial ruler of the city. Eroded character traits of simplicity, discipline, hard work, and patriotism. Questions Responses. Get Amcient Time in Line. Fun Facts. Roman Holiday. The Great Https:// They made up the First Triumvirate.

Bonus: Who made up the Second Triumvirate?

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Who were Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus? Caesar was assassinated in this year. Bonus: What day and month did this happen on? Plato did this before he became a philosopher. What is wrestling? Bonus: Broad shouldered.

Origins of Rome

The first three Greek civilizations. Bonus: Which was the most powerful? Who were the Minoans, Mycenaeans, and Trojans? Bonus: The Mycenaeans.

Ancient Greeks And The Ancient Romans

Rome became a republic Ths a revolt against the Etruscan king, Tarquin the Proud. The Numidians attacked Cartage, forcing the Carthaginians to fight against a Roman ally. Alexander the Great crosses the Hellespont and begins conquest of the Persian Empire. What is Eroded character traits of simplicity, discipline, hard work, and patriotism 2. Increase in divorce an immorality 3. Economic decline.]

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