Copyright Laws Should Be Legal - touching words
A copyfraud is a false copyright claim by an individual or institution with respect to content that is in the public domain. Such claims are wrongful, at least under U. Copyfraud also includes overreaching claims by publishers, museums and others, as where a legitimate copyright owner knowingly, or with constructive knowledge , claims rights beyond what the law allows. Payments are therefore unnecessarily made by businesses and individuals for licensing fees. Mazzone states that copyfraud stifles valid reproduction of free material, discourages innovation and undermines free speech rights. Jason Mazzone [5] : According to copyright experts Jason Mazzone and Stephen Fishman, a massive amount of works in the public domain are reprinted and sold by large publishers that state or imply they own copyrights in those works. Mazzone notes that although the US government protects copyrights, it offers little protection to works in the public domain.Was: Copyright Laws Should Be Legal
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Copyright Laws Should Be Legal | 40 |

News and discussion on copyright, copyleft, patents, trademarks, intellectual property, free culture, open source and free software, and cultural policy. We've started building a list of basic copyright resources. Have a basic question or want to learn more? Take a look.

If you're asking a question about copyright, make sure to include where you're located. Copyright laws can vary drastically depending on jurisdiction. Nothing on this board should be construed as legal advice, and it would be foolish to take it as such.
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This is an English-language subreddit and any posts not in English are subject to removal. Is This Legal? I've tried researching the question I'm about to ask, and I've been finding quite a few conflicting answers. So, I decided to turn to this subreddit. B recently started a Twitch account. I want to start streaming, have been setting up OBS, and getting all my social Copyright Laws Should Be Legal accounts in check. If you've never played the Legend of Zelda games, you might not recognize the sources, but the Twili are a race of people in the Zelda game, Twilight Princess. And the Koroks are cute little tree creatures in quite a few installments of the series. Side Questions I would really appreciate if anyone could answer as well: 1.

If it's legal to call myself that and make a channel with the name, is it also legal to create merch? If it's not legal, do I need permission from Nintendo? If I need permission, how do I obtain that? Trademarks are what you have to watch out for with names. Looks like Twili is open, but Korok is used by a sporting goods manufacturer and a metal building manufacturer. If you stay away from those two areas of Coppyright you should probably be ok.]
In my opinion you are not right. Let's discuss it.
It is remarkable, very good information
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