Cognitive Theory And Therapy For Depression -

Cognitive Theory And Therapy For Depression Video

What is Cognitive Therapy? (Beckian Therapy) Cognitive Theory And Therapy For Depression Cognitive Theory And Therapy For Depression


It is believed that much can be said about how a person reacts to a situation. In times of successes and positive moments, most people celebrate with joyous reactions.

Cognitive Theory And Therapy For Depression

However, in troubled times, people react with different shades of negative emotions. Some spring back right away and take positive action while others dwell in doom and even fall into a Ane depressive state. For these people, how do they find their way back to the light? It shall discuss some major components in his Cognitive theories and identify strategies used in Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

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Clients suffering from psychological problems are assumed to focus more on their flaws that pull them down than on their potentials that may spur them up to success. These negative experiences lead to the development of dysfunctional beliefs about the world, which are triggered by critical incidents in the future. In the first nAd of the triad, the client exhibits a negative view of himself. He is convinced that he is to blame for whatever pathetic state he is currently in because of his personal inadequacies. Secondly, the client shows negative view of the world, hence, a tendency to interpret experiences in a negative manner.

Types of Depression

He nurtures a subjective feeling of not able to cope with the demands of the environment. Third and lastly, the client projects a gloomy vision of the future. He can only anticipate failure in the future. Beck developed a model to treat depression.

Cognitive Theory And Therapy For Depression

Once the negative schema is activated this leads to a stream of what Beck called negative automatic thoughts NATs. Eventually, the person will have no voluntary control over such thoughts.

Cognitive Theory And Therapy For Depression

These negative thoughts then become accepted as true, leading to other negative thoughts.]

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