Bureaucracy by Max Weber - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Bureaucracy by Max Weber Video

What is Bureaucracy? Bureaucracy by Max Weber Bureaucracy by Max Weber

Definition : The bureaucratic management theory, introduced by Max Weber stated that to manage an Bureaucracy by Max Weber efficiently, it is essential to have a clear line of authority along with proper rules, procedures and regulations for controlling each business operation. Bureaucracy refers to the possessing of control over a group of people or activities through knowledge, power or authority. Max Weber was a German sociologist and a political economist, and he came forward with the concept of bureaucracy in management. Thus, Weber developed the bureaucratic management theory, where he emphasized on a formal organizational structure.

Max Weber and His Bureaucracy Theory

Ia proper hierarchy is maintained, and hence a clear set of six principles were framed. Weber gave the following six principles for managing an organization effectively and efficiently:. Weber proposed that there should be a systematic hierarchy in the organization, defining the position of each employee from top to the lowest level.

Bureaucracy by Max Weber

In such Bureuacracy system, each employee knows who they have to report, whose orders they need to follow, and what is the role of different personnel in the organization. There should be a clear set of principles, procedures, rules and regulations in written form, to be followed universally by everyone working in the organization irrespective of their position. The whole work should be assorted into smaller task sets to ascertain that every set Bureaucracy by Max Weber tasks is assigned to the right person, i.

Principles of Bureaucratic Theory

This not only improves the work efficiency but also ensures proper allocation of job responsibilities. Another essential principle is that management should motivate employees to build a long-term career in the organization by providing job security and performance-based incentives to them. In an organization, the impersonal relations develop among the employees, which may lead to favouritism or nepotism. Weber said that the application of rules and managerial decisions should be impartial and independent of such relations.

Bureaucracy by Max Weber

Moreover, these decisions must be based on rational and practical grounds rather than emotional or impersonal influence. Even the promotion should be based on performance and merit.

Bureaucracy by Max Weber

Specialization https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/gregorys-punctuation-checker-tool/history-of-facebook-a-social-network-created.php Expertise : In bureaucracy management, the work is divided among the employees according to their skill, capabilities and expertise, which results in job specialization in the organization. Skill-Based Recruitment : The employees are recruited by matching their skills and experience with that required for the vacant job position to ensure that the right person is placed at the right job.

Predictability : When there is a systematic hierarchy and defined rules and methods of performing the complicated tasks in Bureaucracy by Max Weber organization, actions in similar situations become somewhat predictable for the management.

Equality : The management remains unbiased towards the employees and ensures a fair-judgement at the time of any issue or problem in the organization. Structure : A systematic organizational structure can be developed through read more where the rules, regulations, methods and procedures are pre-defined. Systematic Record Keeping : This approach focuses on systematically recording all the business transactions and operations in documents to be used by the other employees in future. Rationality : The recording of operations brings rationality, i. When we talk of bureaucratic management, there are numerous drawbacks of purely adopting this theory to run any organization. One Way Communication : The bureaucracy theory emphasizes on the passing of information, i.

The exploitation of Power : In a bureaucracy, managers have a higher authority which can be misused by them to meet their Bureaucracy by Max Weber or to dominate their subordinates. Wastage of Time, Efforts and Money Bureaucracy by Max Weber It involves the recording of all the business transactions and operations to create documents which require a lot of time, money and efforts of the personnel. Delay in Business Decision-Making : The top-level management keeps the decision-making authority with itself. Therefore, the lower-level managers have to rely upon the top-level managers, even in the case of any emergency or situations demanding immediate action.

Hinders Innovation and Creativity : The supervisor controls every activity of the employees, which ultimately restrict the subordinates to apply creativity and innovation to their work. Inflexible and Rigid Methods : The bureaucracy theory does not entertain any change or modification in the management system, which makes it quite rigid. Bureaucracy is rooted in controlling something with the use of power or authority; therefore, it is usually taken as a negative concept by many of us. But, it is not so, the concept of bureaucratic management initiates the creation of a proper https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/purdue-owl-research-paper/flsa-week-6.php in the organization.

Here, the power or authority is distributed among Bureaucracy by Max Weber workers according to their position in the organization. Every business operation is systematically penned down, and the employees follow the stated rules and regulations. However, in the present scenario, it is tough to have a pure bureaucratic system in the organization. Still, a zest of it can be seen in the management of civil department, political and government organizations.]

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