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Often students have a goal to be fluent like a native speaker and to Accent Problems a perfect English Speaking accent. It is not impossible to achieve this goal but perhaps putting more focus on developing the ability to mimic the tones and rhythm of English will be more effective to helping you be better understood.

Accent Problems

In this article, I am going to share a speaking Accent Problems that you can add to your study routine to reduce your foreign accent and be understood easier by native speakers. Also, there will be some useful links to help you find the type of accent you want study and where to find more audio with a specific accent. Register your Free Account here.

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Many famous people with a Accent Problems accent have had great success in the United States Accent Problems as Jackie Chan or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Basically, Acceht technique is mimicking a native speaker. Be aware that this activity requires a lot of patience and it may surprise you how many times you need to attempt to repeat the phrase before you can say it well. For me, I find it too difficult to do this activity with full speed audio. It is very rewarding when you finally can repeat it the same way.

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You will see that it is possible to have a better accent by doing this Accent Problems regularly. I like to use my phone or an audio recorder to record myself shadowing or mimicking the audio so that I can hear which words I am struggling to say correctly or words that I am saying with a bad accent. Spend time pronouncing those words over and over again until they come out of your mouth with no problems. The idea is that you become so good at repeating the audio, you actually feel like you are the person saying it. This gives you the sensation of Accent Problems speaking like a native speaker.

Accent Problems

Of course, if you want to learn the American English accent, you can use the conversations we have available on the website.]

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