Every summer sinceWildlife Resource Division staff, Law Enforcement Officers, and, most recently, members of the public have dutifully recorded every turkey they see while driving all over the state during their regular DNR duties. This survey is done during regular work activities. No special effort is given to look for turkeys. Counting turkeys out of the truck window may not seem w advanced scientific research. But this survey gives us a powerful index of the health of our turkey population.
While we record all turkeys we see, the focus is on one facet of the population. We count the number of poults that successfully hatched earlier in the spring. After a nest successfully hatches, the brood stays with the mother through the summer. Sometimes they join with a several hens and broods to form a larger flock.
When we spot a flock, we count the number of poults and hens present. This gives us an opportunity to count the poults that survive and will tell us whether the population is trending upward or downward based on how many young each hen raises each year. This poults per hen PPH value is used by most states in the southeast to monitor their turkey population. It was actually state agencies monitoring this number that sounded the alarm on the decline of wild turkey populations throughout the Southeast. These values indicate a healthy, growing population. This time period coincided with efforts to reintroduce turkeys throughout Georgia — efforts that involved moving flocks of birds into areas of good habitat but where turkeys were absent. Production peaked in abouta few years after reintroductions generally wrapped up, then took a steep drop. Current turkey production has hovered at or just below 1.
We know that many factors affect nest and brood rearing success, such as weather, predation, and habitat quality, and some factors that we are beginning to learn more about, such as harvest pressure and whether harvest is disrupting breeding learn more here. Generally, a healthy wildlife population can withstand these stressors — for example, a year Turkey s Development During The Twenty First a cold, wet spring, may have poor production, but subsequent years of better weather will even out the population. But, if a region has many years in a row of habitat loss and increasing predator populations, then a year of bad weather or high harvest can be much more difficult to bounce back from.
And the result is what we are seeing in some areas of Georgia — in places where wild turkeys used to flourish, they seem to have vanished. Georgia has to take a hard In Frankenstein Socialization at how we manage our turkey population. Many factors, such as large-scale habitat changes and predator abundance, cause issues for biologists.
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We can affect harvest pressure through regulation. Limiting disruption to breeding activities in the spring can improve reproduction. This may mean changes to statewide turkey regulations in coming years — which will help ensure a sustainable population able to withstand the ups and downs of reproductive success.
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