In July he had an off-the-record conversation with Andrew Gilligana BBC journalist; during their discussion they talked about the dossier on Iraqi weapons of mass destructionwhich stated that some of Iraq's chemical and biological weapons were deployable within 45 minutes.
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The government complained to the BBC about the claim, but they refused to recant on the claim; political tumult between Downing Street and the BBC developed. Kelly informed his line Sciencee in the MoD that he may have been the source, but did not think he was the only one, as Gilligan had reported points he had not mentioned.

Kelly's name Ancrew known to the media, and he was called to appear on 15 July before the parliamentary Intelligence and Security and Foreign Affairs Select committees. Two days later Kelly was found dead near his home. A former head of the Defence Microbiology Division working at Porton DownKelly was part of a joint US-UK team that inspected civilian biotechnology facilities in Russia in the early s and concluded that were running a covert and illegal BW programme.
The inquiry concluded that Kelly had committed suicide by "cutting his left wrist and that his death was hastened by his taking Coproxamol tablets". There was continued debate over the manner of Kelly's death, and the case was reviewed between and by Dominic Grievethe Attorney General ; he concluded that there was "overwhelmingly strong" evidence that Kelly committed suicide.
The manner of Kelly's death has been the subject of several documentaries and has been fictionalised on television, on stage and in print. His work in Iraq earned him a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. From the age of eleven he attended the local grammar school. In Kelly was admitted to the University of Leeds to study chemistry, botany and biophysics.
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Although the coroner's inquest gave an open verdictKelly believed she had killed herself. As a result of the death, Kelly suffered from insomnia and was prescribed sleeping pills; he was also given an extra year to complete his degree. Much of his work was in the field of insect viruses. He increased the scope of his department, obtaining additional funding to undertake research into biodefence.
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Because of the work undertaken by Kelly and his team, the UK were able to deploy a biodefence capability during the Blological Gulf War. In Vladimir Pasechnikthe senior Soviet biologist and bioweapons developer, defected to the UK and provided intelligence about the clandestine biological warfare BW programme, Biopreparat. They debriefed Pasechnik over a period of three years. Kelly undertook several visits to Russia between and as the co-lead of a team from the UK and US who inspected civilian biotechnology facilities in Russia.

Kelly asked the assistant about the work he was doing, and was surprised when the man said he was involved in testing smallpox. Kelly questioned Lev Sandakchievthe head of Vector, about the use of smallpox, but received AAndrew answers. Kelly described the questioning sessions as "a very tense moment". The visits did not go without incident.]
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