The Wister s Relationship Between The Virginian - remarkable, rather
Four senators have introduced a bill demanding greater scrutiny over the sister city programs between the United States and China. Marsha Blackburn R-Tenn. Dubbed the Sister City Transparency Act, the bill pdf would require the director of the Government Accountability Office to conduct a study on foreign sister city operations in the United States and assess the potential risks of foreign espionage and economic coercion. Josh Hawley R-Mo. Marco Rubio R-Fla. Communist China regularly exploits its sister-city partnerships around the world to aggressively advance its own agenda. Blackburn and Hawley initially raised concerns about sister city partnerships with China to the U. The Wister s Relationship Between The VirginianThe Wister s Relationship Between The Virginian Video
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Owing to concerns over the Sister City programs between American and mainland Chinese cities, four U. The legislators introduced a bill called the Sister City Transparency Act. It requires the Government Accountability Office director to a study on foreign sister city operations in the United States. The Wister s Relationship Between The Virginian Government Accountability Office Director also has to assess the potential risks of foreign espionage and economic coercion. According to Sister Cities International, there are such partnerships Tue the United States and China since This program provides members with hand-in-hand assistance in researching potential partners, developing a communication line through various channels, consulting in international protocol matters, and ultimately serving as a resource for any questions throughout the correspondence, according to their website.

However, the Chinese Communist Party CCP has utilized these partnerships as tools to spread its propaganda narratives, restrict academic freedom, and facilitate espionage in American classrooms. Senator Marsha Blackburn R-Tenn spearheads this legislative effort. In a press release dated Nov. However, the Chinese regime has exploited these relationships.
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There is reason to believe Beijing uses partnerships to spread lies, steal ideas, and gather information to use against Americans. Another sponsor of the bill is Sen. Marco Rubio R-Fla. As reported by The Epoch Timesthe Chinese regime has been piggybacking off sister city agreements to drive its establishment of Beijing-funded Confucius Institutes CIs Virinian. As of Sept.
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We keep a close eye on China because of its influence now and the lessons we can learn from its ancient past to better our lives today. Sign in. Log into your account. Password recovery. Bringing You Truth, Inspiration, Hope. Home U. November 20, ]

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